Title: Healthy People 2020: Understanding and Improving Health
Date: September 14th 2013
Healthy People 2020: Understanding and Improving Health
This paper is developed and based on the goals set by Healthy people 2020 and a close comparison with Healthy People 2010. After reading and understanding both strategic plans, the paper will present a personal view based on the content of the papers stated above. Both papers present the strategic plan for the health sector, on what to and the steps to take in order to a chive good health for the generations.
Similarities of Healthy People 2010 and Healthy people 2020
Both goal frames are set for a similar time span; for ten years to be implemented. Healthy people 2010 aimed at increasing awareness to all stake holders and increasing the level of public information. Healthy people 2020 have a similar plan, increasing the knowledge about various health conditions.
Differences of healthy people 2010 and healthy people 2020
In healthy people 2010 different diseases and health conditions are the main point of focus e.g. lifestyle diseases like obesity and cancer. While in healthy people 2020 health illnesses that are caused by environments are addressed.
Are the goals and missions of Healthy People 2020 reasonable?
A main mission in Healthy People 2020 is to reduce new infections by raising awareness and reaching out to more people. This step will work and will help in achieving the laid out plan. Most new infections are caused by lack of information, when people are informed on how to live healthy lifestyles new infections will decrease. A study shows that most people with unhealthy lifestyles lack information on how to practice healthy lifestyles. To improve public health, information must be accessible to the public.
A close comparison of the goals in the healthy people 2020 with Healthy People 2010 shows that the goals are reasonable. Since similar set goals have been achieved, it is wise to plan for the future and the two goal frames are of a similar scale.
How a commitment by a state and/or local health department to set objectives can affect public policy.
The effectiveness of public policy is not based on how it is designed but on how it is implemented. Implementation of a policy is the greatest determinant of whether it will work or not. Local health departments should focus on the implementation part of a policy. Implementation of a policy involves dispensing the important information on all issues of the policy.
Is it appropriate for a state or county health department to set objectives which are not compatible with CDC’s Healthy People 2020 topics and objectives?
No, this will only be a waste of useful resources focusing on things that would be used in a better way. a better way/ use of resources means putting time and monetary resources in the implementation of health policies that have already been set. Put focus on the main course and avoid distractions.
For success to be achieved in any sector there needs to be strategic plans on how it will be achieved. Both healthy people 2020 and healthy people 2010 are strategic plans for the health sector.References
Healthy food, farms & families: Hunger 2007, 17th annual report on the state of world hunger.. (2007). Washington, DC: Bread for the World Institute.