Hello Alonda

Hello Alonda,

According to your post, Pinkberry’s target market may probably be in the suburbs since Pinkberry typically targets upscale communities (Klouman & Fitter,1). After conducting research from the United States Census Bureau, I agree that White females and males between the ages of 25 and 40 who reside in the West Hollywood region or another suburban location and have at least a high school diploma or a bachelor’s degree are Pink berry’s target market (United States Census Bureau,2). Based on your report, depending on their preferences, this person may choose to live alone, with their parents, or with a partner. This client has been consistently showing up to work. On occasion, they may attend religious services and at least three or four times a week, they will go to the gym to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I agree that Pinkberry’s target market is loyal to specific brands, especially regarding food, since they believe that price and quality go in hand in a business. Your post indicated that you came to conclusions about Pinkberry’s target market by looking at a mi of information from Pinkberry’s marketing plan and the United States Census Bureau. You also considered your thoughts on customer behaviors about what customers think when buying products and their habits.