Hello Canderozzi,
Great post! I really enjoyed reading this. I totally agree with your argument and tend to concur with all your points especially the bit about how hospitals are spending money on prevention of falls. The overall goal of maintaining patient safety should be the utmost concern even though it might take some effort and resources to achieve it. Basically, the hospital is supposed to save lives rather than let them get injured or at least not kill them. As per the 2006 data from t h e Health and Safety Executive only 1/2 of all falls in hospital are due to patients being physically restrained or as a result of cognitive impairment due to illness. The other half relates to environmental factors. The article says 10,000 people are admitted to hospital a year because of serious falls and associated injuries, often resulting in major brain injuries or even death. And hospital falls can cause treatment delays for other patients because of the high cost involved in managing a patient with a fall injury. Thank you for this great informative post!