Hi Mercy, this is the first assignment (2)

Hi Mercy, this is the first assignment

Goals: Identify leadership communication depictions in popular media. Assess portrayals of good, bad, and average leaders’ behaviors, traits, abilities, and skills as communicators.

Assignment Instructions

Select ONE movie or documentary, ONE podcast series, TWO episodes of a TV show, OR ONE book/series. Your selection should feature leadership communication skills in its contents. Watch, listen or read your selection (if choosing a book, reread specific sections you plan to pull from).

Few tips: take notes; rewatch/reread key scenes; and include specific references in step 2. Some of these movies or shows may be available through the UTD Library to stream. Both podcasts are free to download. Below is a list of possibilities, but you can stray from this list.

Example movies: Parasite, The Wolf of Wall Street, Office Space, Jerry McGuire, or The Devil Wears Prada. The Inventor: Out for Blood is a documentary good for thinking about communication ethics.

Example podcasts: WeCrashed: The Rise and Fall of WeWork (6 episodes) or The Dropout (about Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos; 6 episodes). Note: These would be a good option if you want to listen to something while driving or doing errands. It’s more content timewise but easy to process while doing other things.

Example TV: The Office, Superstore, Park & Recreation, Schitt’s Creek, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, etc.

Example literature: Harry Potter (J.K. Rowling), Hunger Games (Susanne Collins), Bartleby, the Scrivener (Herman Melville; short story).

Write a 450-600 word (minimum) Executive Summary/External Recommendation.

Please write on the following:

Summary: [Try to keep this section brief, the focus should fall on leadership analysis (part 2)] Explain what you watched/listened to (if tv show, include the episode titles) & describe the character(s) and the scenario. Remember, not everyone has consumed this piece of media, so explain it as if someone has never seen or heard what you are talking about.

Analysis: [This should be your most extended portion of the post] Provide your analysis of one person/ character’s leadership (could be multiple people if you want to compare them) using at least four concepts we’ve learned so far in reading or class. In this section, support your analysis with examples from the media text (i.e., if you say XXX follows a Theory X philosophy, you need to give an example of how you know that).

Sample questions/topics (you are not required to answer these):

How did the leader view leadership (chapter 1)? What leadership attributes did you see, and how did those people communicate (chapter 1)?

Of the six leadership traits, which ones were lacking, and how does that contribute to unethical communication (chapter 2)?

What leadership philosophies or styles did you notice; did they “work” for good communication (chapter 3)? What were the followers’ styles (ch 3)?

Did you notice task or relationship leadership or a combination; did that help the administration reach their communication goals (chapter 4)?

Recommendation/Application: Then include three “do” or “don’t” bullet points for application to real-life leadership communication. Example: three bullet points that identify positive leadership communication traits or three things we should learn not to do based on this media. You can provide a mix of “dos” and “don’ts.

Hi Mercy, this is the second assignment.

The written assignment includes answering the questions concerning the article “Employee motivation. A powerful new model.”, N. Nohria, B. Groysberg, and Linda-Eling Lee, Harvard Business Review, July/ August 2008. The written assignment should include at least 1-page answer per question (3 pages minimum) – Times New Romans, 12, 1.5 space for each question. Please do not add a cover page or a references page.

Written assignment questions: 1. Characterize four drives that underlie motivation. 2. What are the organizational levers of motivation? 3. Link motivation concepts presented in the article to your motivational preferences and personality type (as diagnosed in the MBTI Personality test).

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