Hidden Figures A Cultural Black Film Review

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Hidden Figures A Cultural Black Film Review

Women have long been viewed as less valuable than men. However, despite a shift in time in attitudes and beliefs toward women, the human race still has a long way to go before it achieves gender equality. Women have shown themselves to be just as capable as men in a wide range of fields. It’s a shame that some of their stories have been lost or buried under the weight of men’s achievements. In any case, a cultural shift is taking place, and many authors, filmmakers, and other creators are creating fictional and true stories about women who overcame adversity and thrived as a result. One such work is the film Hidden Figures, which tells the story of three African American women who worked for NASA during a time when being black and a female worker was a crime. The story takes place in the early 1960s and tells of the struggles and achievements of the three astronauts, as well as their pivotal roles in history-making space missions ADDIN CSL_CITATION {“citationItems”:[{“id”:”ITEM-1″,”itemData”:{“ISBN”:”9789609439480″,”abstract”:”GAMIFICATION, STANDARDS AND AN ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE – WHAT IS THE ROLE OF VALUE ALIGNMENT IN ENGAGING MATHEMATICS LEARNERS?”,”author”:[{“dropping-particle”:””,”family”:”Volos”,”given”:”Greece”,”non-dropping-particle”:””,”parse-names”:false,”suffix”:””}],”container-title”:”9th International Conference of Mathematics Education and Society-MES9″,”id”:”ITEM-1″,”issued”:{“date-parts”:[[“2017″]]},”page”:”1-325″,”title”:”Mathematics Education and life at times of crisis”,”type”:”paper-conference”},”uris”:[“http://www.mendeley.com/documents/?uuid=42904298-58f3-3613-926a-5b6e3fca5fb4″]}],”mendeley”:{“formattedCitation”:”(Volos)”,”plainTextFormattedCitation”:”(Volos)”,”previouslyFormattedCitation”:”(Volos)”},”properties”:{“noteIndex”:0},”schema”:”https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json”}(Volos). Even though they lived in a toxic environment filled with sexism and racism, the main characters in Hidden Figures rose above their circumstances as black women and demolished the status quo with their willpower, brilliance, and refusal to accept a victim mentality.

Sexism is a major theme in the film. Taraji P. Henson plays Katherine Johnson, while Janelle Monae plays Mary Jackson. In the first scene, all three characters experience car trouble and must stop on the side of the road to fix it. According to them, a police officer approached them while they were enroute to the Langley Research Center and demanded identification. The male officer is taken aback by the fact that NASA has hired women. Her suitor later has something negative to say about Katherine, who is surprised that a place like that would allow women to do math. Global scientific and astronomical advances were made during the time frame depicted in the film. Men were the pinnacle of society. They had better access to higher education and better job prospects than women because of this. There was a social stigma placed on women in the community because they were not expected to know much or have aspirations.

Following World War II, the US government opened the door for women to enter the workforce. The responsibilities given to women were significantly different from those given to men. Female astronauts served as human computers. They decrypted codes and calculated trajectory in a separate wing from the men ADDIN CSL_CITATION {“citationItems”:[{“id”:”ITEM-1″,”itemData”:{“DOI”:”10.1353/ahc.2017.0026″,”ISSN”:”1934-1547″,”abstract”:”First edition. Awards: New York Times Best Seller List. New York Times Best Seller List. “Before John Glenn orbited the earth or Neil Armstrong walked on the moon