Hip Hop Music Industry

The Hip-Hop Culture




Hip Hop Music Industry


Hip-hop music has gained popularity in the modern generation because it has evolved and accomplished to have an impact on the society. As it originated from the United States, this music genre has been liked by most youths across the world because of the artists and quality of music produced. The hip-hop industry has had a significant impact on the United States society and has instilled character changes. Those from the olden days viewed hip-hop music with arrogance because they believed that such repetitive rhythm prevalent in this music industry and the limited use of peace and harmony formed a popular music genre that was inferior (Boyer, 2016). These perceptions hindered the development and the success of the hip-hop music because people undermined it and linked it to unethical behavior that was against the values and morals of the society. Americans, however, managed to intensify this music industry despite the numerous challenges and they managed to shape it to where it stands in the global music industry.

Characteristics of Hip Hop music that Contribute to the negative connotation

In present-day United States society, hip-hop music has acquired negative implications based on the various components it portrays. At first, it is essential to note that hip-hop is very aggressive. This can be seen in the videos they produce. Moreover, the hip-hop songs are bellicosely composed, recorded, and performed by artists who even use abusive language. The use of sexually explicit language, as well as lyrics, is a clear indication that this music genre is violent. As a result, it instills violent behavior, especially among the youths (Boyer, 2016). The United States, most teens listen to this type of music because it is theirs to be proud of. This has given them a different attitude and behavior because they see the violent videos and imitate these artists by becoming violent and using explicit language.

This has demoralized the American society because children are growing up in an environment that spreads enticing sexual language and violent behavior. There has been a debate that tries to identify whether hip hop and rap are similar things because people often divide themselves since they grew in different eras (Taylor, 2016). The Americans who flourished during the traditional rap era have different perceptions regarding the modern day hip-hop music because it is far different from their culture. As a result, they condemn modern hip-hop because it spreads messages of drug abuse, violent and sexual behavior. The traditional rap music was not abusive nor did it insult others because they are more successful or competitive. Instead, the traditional hip-hop songs spread the messages of peace and love (Hall, 2017). This helped the Americans to understand the meaning of brotherhood and exercise ethical behavior and responsibility assisting them to live peacefully.

Another visual characteristic is that hip-hop gives the MC the opportunity to be the storyteller in a particular hip-hop track. The MC’s use this chance to spread their abusive message to the audience where most of them express personal emotions. In this case, the MC may sing, but the lyrics could be referring to another famous hip-hop artist (Bradley, 2017). The hip-hop kings and queens have enhanced the creation of a society that differs in ideologies and music quality (Bradley, 2017). The American culture has imitated these rap artists by insulting others just because they have different ideas or varying achievement. Most of the youths in the United States are familiar with abusive language because their parents and guardians also use explicit terms when conversing. The American style is full of unremarkable utterances where the young and the old use offensive terms to refer to others as it is the norm with hip-hop music. This has, therefore, led to an increase in negative connotation on hip-hop music in the modern American society. The American community has disliked the new hip-hop music because it has instilled behavioral change and violent behavior.

The modern hip-hop industry is perceived to be gang-related. This means that most famous artists have created and developed music cults where they sign their own personnel. This has led the American society to create negative connotations towards this music genre because the youth have started a new trend of forming gangs or cults. These gangs and cults facilitate violent behavior where the teens are subjected to immorality in the society. These gangs form their respective territories, and they keep the community in fear because they engage in various activities that include theft, fights in streets, assassinations, as well as robbery (Taylor, 2016). These gangs operate with money and this shows that they ensure that they get sufficient funds to function efficiently and effectively. This has increased crime activities in most parts of the United States because these cults have developed the tendency of disturbing the peace of the country. The favorite hip-hop artists are linked to different gangs or cults that pretend to produce music but also engage in unethical behavior. The youth seem to imitate this behavior, and this has become a reality to them and the public in general.

Hip-hop music supports alcohol and drug abuse. This is evident in most rap songs of the modern society. In most music videos, artists and background personnel can be seen spreading messages that support drugs such as cocaine and weed. Some rappers use these substances in their music tracks, and this has provoked a mixture of reactions. Americans have perceived this as unethical behavior based on the fact that most youths in the country are familiar with this music (Boyer, 2016). It is the top music genre in the world currently, and the productions of this music industry have received an enormous fan base. There are hip-hop fans not only in the United States but also in the different corners of the world. Therefore, when the rappers illustrate unethical behavior, the fans are at risk of imitating them and engaging in activities such as alcohol and drug abuse. Some hip-hop songs are used to advertise some alcoholic drinks, and this gives the audience a chance to try these products. This shows that Americans have been subjected to hip-hop culture and they have ended up changing their behavior based on what they see on their TVs or other digital gadgets.

Hip-hop also utilizes graffiti paintings, and this has facilitated the development of a trend in American society. Various graffiti paintings have been posted on walls, and they focus on sending specific messages to their targets. This varies from death threats, warnings, insults, as well as the destruction of property (Boyer, 2016). As a result, most of the victims have ignored and criticized modern day hip-hop music because it has been the determinant of the emergence of such behavior. People have destroyed property because they are jealous and do not appreciate the efforts or achievement of other individuals. This music industry, therefore, has instilled change in attitude and behavior, as well as emotions, amongst most American youths and they have indeed exercised unethical behavior. The negative connotations about the hip-hop music sector have increased, and this should be evaluated because it might affect their business.


In the United States, hip-hop has been appreciated and evaluated by most citizens where there has arisen a mixture of reactions. Rap music has castigated changes in behavior, attitudes, feelings, as well as emotions. The youths and teens have developed the tendency of imitating the hip-hop culture that is believed to be annoying and misleading. A higher percentage of the children especially those that are attending college and university have started acting and speaking the hip-hop language which is abusive and explicit. This behavior has led to the development of an immoral society that operates unethically and violently (Pough, 2015). It is important to criticize and condemn this developing trend in the American culture because it compromises the sustainability of our future generations. This trend should be absconded because it will lure our proud society and lead the people towards immorality. Ethics should be considered in the hip-hop music industry to avoid bringing further negative consequences to the community at large. In the United States, it is believed that the society changes behavior as a result of the images and videos that they see in the music and film industry. The development and prevalence of violent behavior have been associated with hip-hop music because it is one of the critical characteristics of this genre.


Alim, H. S., Ibrahim, A., & Pennycook, A. (Eds.). (2008). Global linguistic flows: Hip hop cultures, youth identities, and the politics of language. Routledge.

Boyer, H. (2016). Hip hop in the United States. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 55(3), 215.

Bradley, A. (2017). Book of rhymes: The poetics of hip hop. Civitas Books.

Hall, H. B. (2017). Deeper than Rap: Expanding Conceptions of Hip-hop Culture and Pedagogy in the English Language Arts Classroom. Research in the Teaching of English, 51(3), 341.

Pough, G. D. (2015). Check it while I wreck it: Black womanhood, hip-hop culture, and the public sphere. Northeastern University Press.

Taylor, K. D. (2016). Pop, Hip Hop, and” Empire”, Study of a New Pedagogical Approach in a Developmental Reading and English Class. Gardner-Webb University.