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Revolution in Russia
Russia is a country that has been characterized by revolutions since the time immemorial. It has been under the rule of imperial leaders who assumed absolute power. The main revolution in Russia, which happened in 1917, transformed the country from monarchical rule to an empire with the name United Social Soviet Republic. This paper discusses the revolution’s ideology, its leaders and the outcome of the revolution.
The Russian revolution had many factors behind it. Many trace it back a century before the year it happened. Systems had become weak in the country, and Russian felt the urge to transform1. For example, the emancipation of the serfs back in 1861 had subjected the serfs to long-term suffering rather than the promised progress. Secondly, the tsar, Alexander II’s leadership had become weak in all aspects, allowing a revolution to develop in the country. Thirdly, the defeat of Russia in the Crimean war, in 1954 called for reforms which the tsar had not instituted.
The main leader behind the revolution was Vladimir Lenin. He had risen to prominence in Russia due to his strong stance on liberation of the Russian people2. Lenin adopted Karl Marx’s ideologies and fought with vigour and wisdom. His elder brother had been executed for plotting to assassinate the tsar, and this somehow gave Lenin some inspiration. He led the revolution to success in 1917.
Sheila Fitzpatrick, The Russian Revolution (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press,2008), 52
The revolution resulted in former monarchical Russia becoming the United Social Soviet Republic3. It marked a golden turning point for Russia. For example, it improved relations with the diaspora. Secondly, the economy of Russia started picking up after the revolution. Thirdly, the social culture of the country was transformed. The political system changed too, as leaders were drawn from the intellectuals.
In conclusion, the Russian revolution saw the country transform into a union with many parties. The 1917 revolution was led by a focused leader, Vladimir Lenin. The revolution changed the social structure of Russia and transformed its economy. Relations with other countries were also improved.
Sheila Fitzpatrick, The Russian Revolution (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2008), 53.
Mexico’s independence
Struggle for independence in Mexico can be traced in 1754’s Indian war. The people had become dissatisfied with the Spanish rule. Dissatisfaction of the Indians and the Mestizos was a result of mistreatment and discrimination from the Spanish. They set up uprisings and revolutions and earned their independence in 1821.
The influence from other people who were under colonization inspired the people of New Spain to fight for independence. The people were angered by the forced Louisiana Purchase in 1800, but were inspired by several other factors4. For example, the American Revolution saw them form their own government. Another example is another example was the French revolution. The third example was the 1804 Haitian independence from the French. These events inspired the Mexicans to continue fighting for independence.
The major independent movement began in Dolores in 1809. It was greatly inspired by insufficiency of food for the poor. A church clergy, Miguel Hidalgo, rang the church bell and called on the people to fight for emancipation5. It was crowned the cry of Dolores, and it inspired the fight for independence to a very great extent.
Christon Archer, The Birth of Modern Mexico 1780-1824 (London, UK: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003), 77.
Ibid., 97.
The revolt spread throughout Mexico. In 1913, the battle of Medina was fought. It is regarded the bloodiest battle that has ever been fought on the ground of Texas. In this battle, fifty five Spanish troops died. It is argued that more than one thousand three hundred people lost their lives6. In the year 1915, Morelos was defeated by the Spanish. The spirit to fight did not die though. Vincentte Guerrelo took over the fight. Luckily, Agustine de Inturbide of the creoles joined hands with Vincentte and they succeeded to gain independence for Mexico in 1821.
In conclusion, Mexicans fought dearly for their independence from the Spanish. They gained inspiration from outside nations like the Haiti. They fought many battles like the battle of Medina. Many of their people died. Lastly they gained their independence.
Christon Archer, The Birth of Modern Mexico 1780-1824 (London, UK: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003), 103.
The Effects of World War One on the world
World War I impacted greatly in the whole world. Some of the impacts of world war one form the basis of the existing world order. Politically, revolutions happened and monarchies fell. Socially, many people died and conditions changed. Economically, European economies were disrupted. It had a great impact both politically, socially and economically.
The political impacts of world war one were far reaching. Four great monarchies of the world were dismantled7. The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was a result of world war one. In 1918, Germany and Austria-Hungary witnessed revolutions. Then there was Turkey in 1922. Further, the war led to an inspiration of colonial revolts in South-East Asia and the Middle East. Word war II can also be traced from WW1. Lastly, it led to the formation of the League of Nations.
Economically, the World War I promoted the economy of the United States, which remained neutral in the war. Economies in Europe crumbled because the people who could have participated in building them were busy fighing8. The United States thus became the leading creditor in the world, with Europe as the main debtor.
Giorgio Ausenda, Effects of war on society (Rochester, NY: Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Social Stress, 2003), 135.
The social consequences of the war were many. About seven million people were totally disabled9. Many of the soldiers died in the war. In Turkey, Americans were murdered in mass numbers. Diseases too emerged. An example is influenza that killed more than twenty five people in the world. Sanitation became poor in towns because they were abandoned as a result of the war.
In conclusion, world war one had many impacts among the peoples of the whole world. It made America an economic super power, while economies in Europe crumbled. Monarchies fell in Europe through revolutions. Socially, diseases and deaths were many.
Giorgio Ausenda, Effects of war on society (Rochester, NY: Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Social Stress), 137.
Effects of industrial revolution on society
The rapid growth in industries and economies in the age of industrial revolution came with both positive and negative effects to the people. Some negative impacts touched on the lives of the people directly. This paper looks at both the negative and the positive impacts of the industrial revolution.
A number of positive effects came up as a result of industrial revolution. Child labour in the industries was a major concern10. As demand for labour increased, many children were lured into providing labour in the new industries. Discrimination of women was another serious effect. Women were not permitted to take breaks, and they were at a danger because of their long hair and long skirts. Lastly, the working conditions were very poor. They at sometimes led to diseases and workers lost life.
The industrial revolution had many negative impacts. Traditional buildings were replaced with modern buildings. They provided shelter to the homeless. They also led to development of modern architecture. It also led to the development of inventions. People’s lives were made belter by these inventions. An example is the telephone that improved communications11. The inventions made work easier, leading to another positive effect, the improvement of people’s lives. Factories paid a minimum wage, leading to the development of a middle class, and an end to aristocracy.
Carole Marsh, Industrial Revolution from Muscles to Machines (Peachtree, GA: Gallopade International, 2004), 7.
Some results of the industrial revolution had both negative and positive effects. An example is urbanization12. Industrial revolution also contributed greatly to the growth of towns. This further led to overpopulation, and the deterioration of sanitation and living conditions. However, it also led to economic growth.
In conclusion, industrial revolution had many impacts upon the society. It led to the emergence of modern towns, and new inventions. The social living and economic status of some citizens was improved. However, it led to child labour, overpopulation and discrimination of women.
Carole Marsh, Industrial Revolution from Muscles to Machines (Peachtree, GA: Gallopade International, 2004), 12.
Archer, Christon. The Birth of Modern Mexico 1780-1824. London, UK: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003.
Ausenda, Giorgio. Effects of war on society. Rochester, NY: Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Social Stress, 2003.
Fitzpatrick, Sheila. The Russian Revolution. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2008.
Marsh, Carole. Industrial Revolution from Muscles to Machines. Peachtree, GA: Gallopade International, 2004.