Analysis of Department of Labor
History of Department of Labor
The act regarding US Department of Labor was signed on March 4, 1913 by the then President William Howard Taft (Dol, 2013). During initial phase Department consists of U.S. Conciliation Service which takes care of the problems of Labor in US. Inaddition to that four other organisations which are attached to the Deaprtment were;
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Bureau of Immigration
Bureau of Naturalization
Children’s Bureau.
During the first world war, it was seen that there is a necessity for a responsible department which will frame the policies for nations war labors which included recognition of the right of workers to bargain collectively, establishment of machinery to adjust grievances, and an 8-hour workday (Dol, 2013). In addition to that Department frames various policies from time to time in the favor of labors and orgaanisation both but policies are framed in such a way such that none of them can exploit each other in any way. In 1955 to broaden the coverage of the policy coverage and raise the minimum wage from 75 cents to $1 per hour (Dol, 2013). In 1961 department started training to the unskilled labors of the regions so that they can get employment. This step reduces the unemployment rate across the US. In 1964 an act in favor of non discrimination is passed for labors in workplaces. Objective of the department is to provide equal opporchunity for all across US in terms of employment and facilities provided by the government.
Organisational Design
The whole department of labor is divide in to several smaller depaartments such as Office of Small Business Programs, Office of Administrative Law Judges, Mine Safety and Health Administration , Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Women’s Bureau, Office of Public Affairs etc (DOL, 2013). Every concerned sector is divided in to department so every depart in Labor department has a specific role (DOL, 2013). Each and every sector’s whether it is international labor issue or national labor issues both are tackled by different department that means every issue and labor problems are discussed adequately and the organisational structure is effective inndeveloping policies for different sectors of the labor society (DOL, 2013).
Organisational Design of the Department of Labor United States (Dol, 2013)
Assessment of Organizational Design
Some deaprtments under the office of Secretary of Labor can be removed as some other boards are already functioning for the same cause which will improve the effectiveness of the policy clearance and issues handling. In addition to that it will save some financial resources of the department.
Employee Benefit Security Administration and Pension Benefit department can be joined under the single board which will take care of all this.
Similarly mine safety and office of disabilty can be joined under the Occupational health and administration department as all of them are related to occupational health and administration.
New Organisation of US Dept. of Labor
Evaluation of Planning and Implementation
Prepare workers for good jobs
The workforce system continues to face significant challenges in helping workers get good jobs, earn good wages, and retain their jobs (Report, 2011). As the economy recovers and job growth returns, the reintegration of millions of unemployed and underemployed workers into jobs that pay family sustaining wages is essential for spreading the benefits of the recovery more broadly.
Ensure Competition
ETA programs support training in emerging industry sectors to help workers become more competitive and equip them with the credentials and skills needed to compete in the global labor market. In FY 2011 (Report, 2011), ETA provided technical assistance to the workforce system to improve credential attainment for its customers. In FY 2012, ETA will continue to emphasize credential attainment to increase individual earning potential (DOL, 2013).
Recommendations for Planning and Implementation
Government and department should conduct an analysis on the labors which are coming from outside US like Mexico, Brazil etc. This analysis will help them in understanding the requirement of the policies. Strict policies and implementation is required for immigrants as they are grabbing the job opporchunities of the US citizens. Company’s and organisations should be given clear direction about the verification of the employee before appointing to the company to keep a check on the rate of immigration from outside US.
Cause and Effect Diagram (DOL, 2013)
BIBLIOGRAPHY l 1033 Dol. (2013). A Brief History: The U.S. Department of Labor. Retrieved from US Department of Labor:
Dol. (2013). About the U.S. Department of Labor. Retrieved from
DOL, U. (2013). U.S. Department of Labor Organizational Structure. Retrieved from
Report, A. (2011). Annual report. Retrieved from