How Africa Americans Continue to Face de Facto Discrimination

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How Africa Americans Continue to Face de Facto Discrimination


The history has it that African American and Native American people in the United States have undergone through a specific measure of hardships from the start. The place where there are fresh new opportunities and opportunities has become a place known for racial boundaries that have incorporated a framework designed to deprecate this person. My theory is that white society has turned into a hostile and one-sided nation that favors itself, without any regret or compassion for any other race. The white benefit is the two-word term that packs a punch that pushes back various sports that are not related to the white class. The word white has created discomfort among the uncharacterized or portrayed individuals of this race.

The word white has created anxiety among the people that this race does not describe or depict. This race’s benefit has resulted in prejudice that is regular institutional life. This prompted Manifest predetermination conviction, the possibility that God administered the United States ‘ sole reason for existence was to venture into the Americas. It is reflected in deviations between different components regarding wealth, pay, criminal value, work, social protection, political impact, and preparation.

Obstacles that African Americans had to overcome;

The African Americans were negatively affected and were the most hit by the ethnicity that was going on in the USA back then. Some of these issues also are seen happening even to date which is actively fought against by the blacks. The African American suffered all through and had the lowest opinion since they were not as many as the white. The white referred to them as the migrants and Negros that had invaded their land. They were denied the rights that the other white people enjoyed.

From the article “We’re All Fascists Now” by Bari Weiss, she talks more about Christina Hoff Sommers who is a Feminism. She got an invite at Lewis and Clark Law School in Portland. Christina is gradually talking about the right to speak freely, which is vital to a free, stable society, but she continues to say that the chance ends if it has a detrimental and vicious impact on different types of people. From this speech by Christina, she is cut short by a student who is probably white and is against the message being put across by her. This clearly shows the fact that Christina since she had a positive note that was meant to reflect on feminism, that’s why she received a backlash from the students and the professor.

There is also another instance of Laura Kipnis, a women’s activist film – contemplates Northwestern teacher who wrote a paper for The Chronicle of Higher Education about the excesses of Title IX sexual offense exams on grounds — and after that two alumni understudies recorded a Title IX objection against her, given that her article had made an “unfriendly situation.” Through this, it was evident that anytime a message was brought about cutting on the white side, it was received with a lot of negative and defensive forces.

In the Article “American Exceptionalism and America First” by Abram Van Engen talk more about President Trump and President Obama. During the campaigns of Obama presidency, he was faced with a lot of backlash from the white Americans who believed that a black man could not lead America. He also speaks of Hillary Clinton who is a major champion for freedom and opportunity. It is viable that Trump never embraced exceptionalism and never referred to the US as “a city on a hill.” By 2016, it seemed as though America had reached a bipartisan logical agreement on the United States ‘ exceptionalism.

According to the other article “What Comes after Standing Rock” by Jay Caspian Kang, the writer talks more about a group of Americans that had camped in one place of the US. He asks Wambli what he thought each of the camp outcasts. Wambli said that any person who stayed with them was a part of his family and he felt that he was responsible for their safety. “In fact, unlike other racial and ethnic groups examined here, Native nations did not seek to become a part of the United States and its political process” (Issues Pg.37).

In conclusion, from all these articles discussed above, it is evident that the white did not at any given time wish to have anything to do with the black Americans. They fought hard to make sure that the African Americans were viewed as the minority.

How their experiences fit into the narrative of “Manifest Destiny.”

Manifest Destiny, an expression established in 1845, communicated the logic that led to the regional extension of the United States of America in the nineteenth century. Show Destiny held that God ordained the U.S., its supporters agreed to extend their domain and spread the government of majority rule and free enterprise across the entire North American continent. Additionally, U.S. development stimulated the ongoing conversation of servitude by raising the issue of whether or not new states would allow subjection to be admitted to the Union an assumption that would ultimately lead to the Civil War.

How their experiences differ from other groups;

The African American had very different experiences from other groups like the Mexican Americans and Indian Americans. The African Americans were mostly used by the white as their slaves, and so a lot of development work was done by the Africa Americans. Due to Manifest Destiny, It settled on the sidelining or obliteration of groups of American Indian people (both genuine and anecdotal); Asian and Hispanic aliens didn’t appear in the perfect America it called.

The gatherings of people to overcome the land were white, Christians, and predominantly male with a greedy appetite with complimentary desires. These are essential plans for remembering to consider Manifest Destiny’s waiting significance as an idea in American culture. The African American had none of these, and it was so discouraging and hurting for one to go through all that. Africans ‘ arrest and sale for American slave markets were uncouth and fatal regularly.

In conclusion, Black Americans produce prominent commitments to every section in the American culture —business, expression and excitement, science, writing, and legislative and law issues. Despite remaining segregation issues, African Americans are suffering, accomplishing, and leading. And this is so because of all the labor they put down to make sure that the whites were pleased.

Identify five (5) significant events that underscore the political and economic development of the group;

In the article “The Myth of Indian Casino Riches” by Dwanna L Robertson stated that even though there were plenty of Casinos in the US which were mostly operated by the Indians, the African Americans were, however, unlucky to secure jobs here. These led to underscore in economic development since these casinos were meant for specific ethnic groups.

In the article “American Exceptionalism” there is the issue of racism that was mainly focusing on President Trump. During the Obama era, American Exceptionalism was his main key focus since he resumed power in 2006. When Trump assumed power, he changed the entire role and this greatly affected the politics of the US since he promoted more of “America First.” this led to the decline in political development.

Under the movement of Red Power, the African American influenced the Native Americans to fight for their land back. This affected the economic development of the US during that period of the fight.

A video by the name “The 2000 Presidential Election” on YouTube talks more on the African Americans that were not registered to vote. They were told to talk to the clerks of the election which made it hard for them to exercise their right to choose their leaders. This was also the most significant factors that affected the political developments.

In conclusion, African Americans were not given a chance to vote freely, and this violated their right to vote for their leaders. They were also not employed by the owners of the casinos, and this was also not fair for them. All these factors had adverse effects on politics and the economy.

The current issues that either group is facing;

Racism was witnessed way back, and it’s still an ongoing matter that needs more than attention in the USA. Most of the African Americans have not had a smooth running with the whites since the white think that they are more superior to the black. That is also seen in the government whereby during the elections where Obama was vying as president, the white despised him thinking that he would never be president. American culture continues to encounter high amounts of prejudice and separation in the mid-2010s. A new wonder was the rise of the “far right” development: a white patriot alliance seeking the removal from the United States of sexual and racial minorities.

In conclusion, African Americans deserve equal rights and treatments as those of the other races. There should be no racism at all anywhere in the US and the entire world. Respect should be the key aspect in every citizen in America regardless of their skin color.

Works Cited

John O’Sullivan, “Annexation,” The United States Democratic Review, 17(85) (July-August 1845): 5, accessed March 9, 2012.

Kang, Jay Caspian. “What Comes after Standing Rock.” Vice News, Standing Rock, 5 Jan. 2017,

Lozada, Carlos (November 3, 2017). “Where the alt-right wants to take America — with or without Trump.” Washington Post. Retrieved April 3, 2018.

Pfaff, William. The irony of manifest destiny: The tragedy of America’s foreign policy. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2010.

Stephen V. The Black Experience in the Civil War South (Reflections on the Civil War Era). Santa Barbara: Praeger. 2010.

Works Cited

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