How to Successfully Live on Your Own
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How to Successfully Live Alone
Living by yourself can be a hard task sometimes. It is not as easy as people make it out to be. Living alone is advantageous because one is by themselves and is free to do whatever one wants. However, on the downside living alone gets difficult, especially because of boredom and the pressure of keeping up with bills. I have lived alone for quite some time now, and all I can say is that one needs to develop a realistic plan of action if one wants to live alone successfully. This paper aims to explain the steps one can take to live alone successfully. In the text, I also relate the process of living alone in my own personal experience.
Steps to Successfully Live Alone
Living Within Your Means
The first step to successfully live alone is to live within their means. Living within your means is the first step if one wants to live by themselves. This entails having a budget and striving to live within it. The first step is to rent a house that one can comfortably afford. Depending on your job and income, it is advisable to find a house that is not highly experienced but comfortable at the same time. If you do not require an extra bedroom space for an office, taking a one-bedroom apartment or studio would make sense more than a two-bedroom. Also, to cut down on costs, one should practice bulk shopping when there are sales to keep expenses as minimal as possible. One should not just subscribe to an expensive lifestyle to show friends that you are living large when you are struggling to keep up with bills in the real sense.
Make Your Home a Home
Another strategy people can use to live alone successfully is making their home a home. By this, I mean that it is important to make it as comfortable as possible once you have settled into your apartment. This is because comfort is one of the traits of a home. People tend o have different styles. People need to decorate their homes to reflect their personalities and personal style. The house feels more welcoming and cozy when one decorates it. One might be surprised at how much difference decorating your space makes. One might find themselves not going out often as they feel comfortable in their own space. One can look up home décor ideas and inspirations on interest and implement them themselves or seek an interior designer to help them decorate. Life flowers and plants tend to make a huge difference in boosting a person’s mood.
Finding New Hobbies
To successfully live alone, people should also consider taking up new hobbies such as watching movies, hiking, working out, yoga, and body defense lessons. Living alone sometimes tends to get boring. If you are outgoing and are used to having people around all the time, you will need to get used to silence. To beat boredom finding new hobbies helps a person stay entertained and engaged. If you seek to live alone, you should consider taking up a new hobby.
Personal Experience
My Finding Hobbies Experience
In the past, I have struggled most with overcoming boredom. Naturally, I am not an outgoing person. I am the kind that likes to keep to myself. I think it has to do with the fact that I am an only child and did not have a lot of company around me growing up. When I first moved out, I was 16 years old. I was ecstatic that I would finally be getting a place on my own where I could stay alone for the rest of my life. After a couple of months, I started getting bored. The situation was dire because I had moved to a new town, and I did not have family or friends there. Either way, I was determined to face life as it would unfold. Throughout this experience, I have learned that no man is an island, and one cannot survive alone. I started going out for solo dinner dates and engaging with people more.
Living within my Means
My initial experience after I moved out was rough because I was a spendthrift. I would spend money on unnecessary things and end up regretting it. I had it rough the first couple of months after I moved out of my parents’ house. I did not have trouble with the rent because I knew exactly how much of my income I could manage to spend on rent. I was very deliberate about this, as I did not want my rent to take up a huge portion of my paycheck. The struggle was with balancing between ordering in and cooking. I was not a huge fan of cooking, so I opted for takeout. Eventually, I had to change my behavior completely because I had gained weight. Nowadays I prefer home-cooked meals as they are more healthy and cost-effective than eating out. I was also spending a lot of money on clothes that I rarely wore. Ever since I started budgeting, I ensure I only spend money on items I really need. Living within my means has taught me financial discipline and helped me save more.
To live successfully by yourself, one must make a few lifestyle changes and habits that will steer them towards achieving their goals. Some of the steps one can take to live successfully alone are living within their means, taking up new hobbies, and decorating their home. In the past, I struggled with taking up new hobbies to deal with boredom and fixing my budget so I could live within their means. One should take the journey one step at a time, as getting used to living alone takes time and practice.