Professor’s name
Part 1
I explored all menu sections in the Career and Talent Development Center. I looked at the about section, job search section, homepage section, professional development section, handouts and resources section, faculty and staff section, the hiring section, and the section with the contact information. The sector I found to be most interesting is the about section because it has important information about the Center’s mission, vision, staff members and the programmatic areas for the Center. I genuinely enjoyed reading this information. I went through the resume and cover letter section and saved a couple of resume and cover letter templates for use in the future. I saved the functional resume and cover letter for future use. Yes, I looked through the job search section to look for a list of available internships in my areas of interest.
Part 2
Email Subject: My Opinion About the Career and Talent Development Center
Dear XX,
Greetings to you. I trust that this note finds you well.
I write regarding the Career and Talent Development Center at FSU. I would advise you to explore it as an option to help you decide on your current predicament.
You mentioned that you are confused and having difficulty deciding about your career, seeing that you have already changed your courses once. I would advise you to make use of the FSU Career and Talent Development Center, as it has all the information you need to make a sound decision. I have been through the site myself, and I can assure you that it carries a lot of useful information that you will not find anywhere else. In addition to information to do with professional development, the portal has tool to search for internships and jobs.
I believe that if you use this site to your advantage, you will be in a position to make a sound decision.
Warm regards,
student’s name