I have written the examinations. There are two versions and I do not know which version you will get.

I have written the examinations. There are two versions and I do not know which version you will get. 

Here are the details of the papers:

MPM705 Retailing




Trimester 1, 2020

Special Instructions

This examination is OPEN BOOK.

Calculators are ALLOWED

Writing time is 2 HOURS.

This examination comprises multi-choice questions (attempt all multi-choice questions) and short-answer questions (attempt all short answer questions).

This examination will be marked out of 60 marks. 


In this exam:

Multi choice questions are worth 1/2 mark each x 40 questions = 20 marks.

Short answer questions are worth 10 marks each x 4 questions = 40 marks.

 Answer all questions. Type the bulleted alphabet that represents your answer in the answer space provided. The completed paper should be submitted back to the designated examination dropbox in Cloud Deakin.

The exams are 100% different. There are no shared questions.  You will answer 44 Questions.

The multiple choice questions are drawn equally from most of the chapters we have covered in the course. These are the topics to concentrate on for short answers:

Retail strategy, Finance and profitability, Retail Real Estate, Store Management, Merchandising and buying (paper 1)

Consumer behaviour, Trade areas, Supply chain and information systems, Inventory management and buying (paper 2).I have drawn the short answer questions from the pool of questions that appear at the beginning slides of each lecture. I have given topics instead of chapter numbers as the topics are covered by different chapters in different versions of the textbook. Please be aware that if you are using the online textbook that is available through the library, this may not be accessible during the examination due to limits on how many users can be ‘logged on’ simultaneously. Therefore, please make your own preparations.

Although the examination is open book, you will have to type your answers in your own words as turn-it-in is enabled. 

Happy preparations.
