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Illinois Gubernatorial Forum
Ideas and solutions to the challenges facing the state
According to the interviewers’ responses during the gubernatorial forum, Bruce Rauner, who is the governor for Illinois State presented the best ideas and solutions regarding the alarming challenges facing Illinois region. The gubernatorial forum emerged to be essential and the first for all the candidates running for the governor position in the Illinois state being interviewed on television before the upcoming elections. The forum was of great significance to the citizen as they were able to gauge and have a reflection of expected development as per aspirant’s manifestos. It is right that all the for candidates have different opinions and solutions to the challenges facing Illinois state, but the voters have to be keen on the decision they make during the elections as that is what will determine the state’s social-economic and political development over the next ruling session.
Among the issues that required effective solutions as per interviewers are tax increment, increased criminality, death penalty policies, corruption and financial augmentation on academic matters. Bruce Rauner suggested that the major threats in the society are corruption and unemployment. On providing the solutions to the issues, the governor proposed that through the increase of employment, the criminality experienced in the community will be curbed by a high percentage as people will have the income to sustain their wellbeing. He also argues that dealing with corruption will prevent increment of taxes on the middle-class civilians as with proper supervision of the state’s funds; the generated revenue will be capable of financially sustaining the Illinois development projects.
Issues of particular personal interest and impact.
The issues that were discussed during the gubernatorial forum that was mainly of interest and impact to me include death penalty policy, tax increment and increased delinquency in Illinois State. All the four candidates gave their views on these matters, and it is easy to determine whether one has the right perception towards the state’s growth as well as the citizens’ wellbeing. Regarding the issue of tax increment, governor Rauner accused J.B Pritzker of taking toilets out to avoid proper tax paying as well as misusing inherited wealth to buy a political office. Increase on tax will as well be a burden to the ordinary civilians while finances deficit in the state is experienced due to misallocation of resources.
The death penalty matter policy depending on the depth of the offence done tend to arise some emotional concern where high percentage stood by offering a life sentence instead. Gun possession was stated as the primary causative factor of criminality and mass deaths in the society even though Grayson Jackson tended to contradict the fact. Jackson argued that even fists are used to kill people, and it is not a must to use a gun to commit a crime. His suggestion was increasing the employment rate as the best strategy to deal with the criminality concern. Rauner uttered that licensing the legally acquired guns and retrieving the illegal ones from citizens’ custody will be the sound solution for the matter.
Winner and loser of the gubernatorial forum.
During the forum, there was no any clear winner or loser of the Illinois governor position. All the candidates confusingly presented their minds and manifestos that it would be difficult to determine who will win or lose. There emerged disagreements among the candidates as each tried to prove that he is the best and deserves the seat especially with the governor Rauner and Pritzker as well as the state’s senator Sam McCann. Yes, one can argue that governor Rauner wins the debate, but peoples’ perspective differs as some might prefer Jackson who exhibited simplicity and be against the governor’s act of abusive and unethical interrogations. For instance, Rauner used Pritzker the fact that he had inherited some property as an added advantage during the debriefings and went to the extent of telling him to be ashamed. Therefore, no one can be referred to as a loser or a winner as it was just the first gubernatorial forum ahead of the coming November election.