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Mammography is a special X-ray for the breast, whose primary goal is to screen tumors before they grow. The tumor usually grows in the patient’s breasts until it causes symptoms that lead to breast cancer. A mammogram is usually recommended twice a year and mostly to women above there forties, this ensures they are able to prevent the killer disease from maturing. Mammography has reduced breast cancer over the years as most countries can afford this kind of facilities reducing breast cancer death over the past years. Through screening during early stages it helps to monitor the tumor growth and prevent it from spreading, these types of screening are of two types. The first one is to remove premalignant of cancer in the patient body and the early stages whereby to stop cancer from spreading out.

The patient may have various symptoms on their breast that may include; nipple discharge. This include fluids get discharge unexpected in the breast and are usually thick and sticky. Breast dimpling and changes in skin color this whereby the skin color starts to change around the breast into orange like color. Other signs may include swelling of all part of the breast including nipple pain this a very painful pain during this time. The nipple may also be turning inwards (retraction) as well as redness of the nipple at this stage. The pain may move towards the lower part of the arm and swelling is usually felt as the tumor is growing.

With time the cells start to multiply forming a lump, they then spread through the breast into the lymph nodes. It spread through the milk-producing ducts and other viral cells in the breast. The growth of the cells at this point is not able to be controlled. The cause of cancer which is usually very high in women as compared to men, this may as a result of age or inherited cancer from the family. The environment usually affects the patient as the use of make-up and other harmful chemicals in a person lifestyle, another risk of getting cancer may include getting a child past the age of thirty. Obesity would increase your risk of getting cancer as well as exposure to radiation in young children at a younger age.

With the latest diagnostic fifth edition called DSM-V which has a brought a change in the screening cancer patients. The diagnosis has helped the learning of cancer and particular cancer gene and identifying cancer patients both the present one and the longer-term patients. The patients who are always diagnosed with cancer they experience trauma and stress during their life and the method of screening is usually important to consider. It is always important for researchers to look at different diagnostic parameter for screening pre-cancer diagnosis and helps in evaluating stress reactions with the cancer patients. This record ensures that the evidence would be used by other patients for therapy and the type of screening to be used in the future.

The screening of breast cancer has benefits as well as harm to the patients. The patients would tend to overdiagnosis themselves over the years would cause death in the long run. The screening also depends on the number of times that a patient has undergone during their life this helps to prevent the disease cause of death as well as help the patients to live for a long time. Women should be clearly informed about the harm and benefits of the doctors and how to prevent it. The patients may get advice about the screening how many times that a person is supposed to undertake and strategy that is right for you. Prevention by surgery in case of high risk of cancer and through preventative medication that is important to prevent cancer in women. These preventative methods are important to reduce the killer disease effects in the future.