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Naloxone (nah LOX one)
Pharmacological action Since this drug is mainly used during emergency cases the person administering the drug whether a nurse, a doctor, health assistant or a person at home they should note several things. First of all they should know if the person is allergic to the drug, if the person (if a woman) is pregnant or has heart disease. After this acting with speed but also with care to administer the drug through the thigh subcutaneously. A person may give it through the clothing. After this the person administering has to find emergency Medical care care for the patient even if the patient gets well and they become okay. If there are no signs of improvement, the person administering this medication should repeat the injection after every 2 to 3 minutes.
Therapeutic use
Naloxone is used to combat the effects of opioid medication. In most of the times opioid medication is abused or overdosed and therefore this is when naloxone comes into play. However it can also be used in cases of overdose of other opioid substances like heroin which are not medically administered even though with caution. Naloxone reduces the effects of opioid overdose which includes effects like drowsiness, slow heartbeat, pinpoint pupils and slowed or no breathing.
Even though the medication is very important and helps a lot to many individuals it can have the following side effects and complications. Restlessness, abdominal pains, troubled breathing, irritability, convulsion, shivering, weakness, ventricular fibrillation among other side effects.
Medication administration
The dosage for this medication is between 0.4 mg to 2 mg IV. It is administered subcutaneously on the thigh and if required results not obtained the administration is repeated severally between intervals of 2 to 3 minutes. However if the administration exceeds 10 mg the opioid-induced diagnosis should be questioned. Due to its rapid onset of action IV route is mostly recommended for this type of medication. Intravenous infusion of 0.004 mg/l concentration can be used in accordance with the response of the patient. If opioids used during surgery small amounts naloxone are used.
When using this medication there are precautions like the usage of Evzio auto-injector which has to be thrown away even if more medicine remains. The medication leads a person to have impaired thinking and reactions therefore it is not advisable to leave them alone. Other side effects may include hives, swelling on different parts etc.
Nursing interactions
Since this medication helps a person from experiencing the adverse effects of the use of opioid overdose it is important to keep the person as comfortable as possible. The effects of the medications can cause a person to be agitated and therefore the environment should be made free of anything which the person may use to harm themselves or any other person.
When interacting with the person who has received this medication it is important not just to see them as normal but to view them differently since this medication changes the thinking patterns of most of its patients. Apart from this the patient should always make sure to inform the medical officers who handle him or her during the emergency care after this medication that they have received this medication, if they are pregnant or if they have other health complications.
Medication evaluation
This medication has been noticed to work in most of the places and most of the times effectively. Therefore it is an important medication which reverses the effects of most opioid medication overdoses and therefore helps the individuals who were in very bad medical conditions to recover and get better. Therefore it is majorly effective.
Client education
The person receiving this treatment should also be educated on how important it is for them not to overdose any medicine and basic knowledge about medicine and how to carry on their medications to avoid issues like overdose.