Nebraska Prenatal Case Study

Nebraska Prenatal Case Study


The paper has addressed the issues of the impacts of parental care in Nebraska prenatal case and their positive and negative ramifications on Nebraska economy, society, and illegal immigration. The paper has been compiled through collection of information from diverse sources. Various books and journal articles have been explored to give the past literature about the topic. There has also been a need to conduct some research to collect existing data.


This paper posits to explore the possibility to provide prenatal care for the women of undocumented status in the government of Nebraska. In Nebraska, there is a bill that has been proposed but still under contention that proposes joining of 14 states and the Columbia Districts in the provision of prenatal care for the pregnant women especially the ones under low income category without the consideration of their immigration status as provided for by the CHIP and the program of health insurance for the children. The argument behind the policy is the need for upholding the moral rights of the children since they all deserve a healthy environment at their time of birth. According to the argument of the government of Nebraska, the communal benefits that are funded out of the tax payers’ money should not be accessed by the citizens who do not have a legal citizenship.


Provision of prenatal care leads to the improvement of the possibility of the choice of a woman to give birth instead of seeking for an abortion.

Research question

Should a state provide prenatal care for the women of undocumented status?

Literature review

According to the proposition of “Nebraska Right to Life” the provision of prenatal care leads to the improvement of the possibility of the choice of a woman to give birth instead of seeking for an abortion. The denial of appropriate coverage to the women is consequential to seeking for abortion and it was therefore vital for everybody to support the bill. Among the organizations that are in support of the bill include the Roman Catholic, Voices for Children in Nebraska, Nebraska Medical Association as well as all the existing medical organizations in Nebraska. They all advocate for the right of the women and the children. There are however other organizations that are against the bill as a result of their argument that it was imperative for the government to send back pregnant women to their native countries and they are supposed to be denied benefits associated with prenatal care, good housing as well as opportunities for employment. Without the support of the Act and the government there is no option for the pregnant women despite the fact that most of the immigrants are working. Despite the fact they are still denied health insurance which in most cases is shelved by the employers. The earnings of the immigrants are also limited such that it is difficult for them to purchase individual premiums policies.

One of the important arguments that would give weight to the bill is that the citizenship of the immigrants’ children who are born in Nebraska is automatic and they therefore also acquire the eligibility of the health programs provided by the state. Paying for the bill of prenatal care would prove economical to the government as compared to paying for the bill of birth of premature child or one having serious complications. This is a situation that can be prevented and its occurrence will call for costly interventions in the entire life of the child.

Appropriate decision with regard to the act would save a lot of state money coupled with the restoration of the prenatal coverage of the babies whose parents’ are of low income group in Nebraska. This is the best option to ensure that all the babies who are born in this state will have a high degree of health. The refusal of the governor to endorse the act would call for the courageous action of the Legislature in coming up with a preferred policy that will favor the health of the babies. It is the duty of the Legislature to offer protection to the prenatal care of the women and their babies. All the babies are entitled to a healthy start and it is therefore important to provide for good quality as well as consistent prenatal care.

These people along with any children born in the host country require government-financed services such as public education and health care. Thus Nebraska the settlement of millions of immigrants would raise the numbers of Nebraska residents who need health insurance and rely on publicly financed clinics and other safety nets There is a high degree of morbidity with a likelihood of living in poor environments where poverty as well as physical and mental health are deplorable. Basic health as well as safety among the immigrants is also an important issue. Money management issues are also important considerations for the immigrants. The provision of services of this nature enhances the induction of the immigrants to live in a semi independent manner. They are also equipped with the relevant skills to manage their lives, acquaintance to fewer boundaries, having more freedom and assuming a higher level of responsibilities. Health is an important aspect with the immigrants being deprived proper health care. The poor access to health care is compounded by the unawareness of the health care providers of the specific needs of the immigrants. Their rights to the provision of appropriate health care and social amenities are usually violated. Immigrant women are a sensitive class that needs delicate care due to their socio-economic as well as the legal position that they are exposed to. The immigrant women have been exposed to particular disadvantage in addition to instances of multi-discrimination. There is also a shortage of information with regard to the immigrant women in the government data sets. Gender perspective has also been lacking in policy decisions and the service design which becomes fundamental barriers in the context of inequality.

Research methodology


This section spells out the procedures and the methods that the researcher can employ in achieving the objectives of the project so highlighted in the abstract of this paper. It defines location of the study, research procedures and analysis plan that would be put in consideration when carrying out this particular research. The research is supposed to start with the clear understanding of the research objectives as well as the hypothesis. Success of the project will depend on the provision of satisfying information in line with the objectives and hypothesis.

The objective of the research just as a recap is to identify the effective provision of prenatal care for the women of undocumented status. It is important to note here that this research was mainly based on the questionnaire even though other research methodologies were briefly discussed. Sample questionnaire used is as shown in the appendices.

Primary research.

Primary research is the collection of data that does not exist. This can be through numerous forms: including questionnaires, telephone conversations, surveys, etc. As pertained to this project, the primary sources would likely be the agencies responsible for prenatal care for the women of undocumented status in Nebraska. The major merit with conducting primary research is that it accurate. However, the disadvantage of primary research is that it may be time consuming, as it involves dealing with people from various regions, the human sources may only become resourceful out of their own willingness, and this may take them quit sometimes before making up their minds to tell you what they know or give you their side stories about your questions

Secondary research on the other hand is the collection of existing data, that is, in contrast to primary research. For example: research on experiments or specific subjects. The merit of secondary research is that it’s not time consuming however a disadvantage is that the information retrieved may not be relevant.

Quantitative and qualitative data

There are two main ways in implementing the activity of the research, ‘Quantitative research’ and ‘Qualitative research’. The Qualitative data are data which are based on meanings spoken through words or personal expressions from the respondents. Qualitative analysis of data is one of the major methods for data compilation, interpersonal interviews.

Quantitative analysis of data is a process that is based on the amount of data collected from the identified materials (sources such as Educational journals on prenatal care for the women of undocumented status, scientific libraries et cetera) such information are often accurate and not prone to human manipulations.

Research methods

Another aspect that is of great significance in this research would be the research strategy. It’s the research strategy shows which methods a researcher adapts to answer the research objectives or questions. There are types of research strategies that can be employed in conducting a research study. These include experiments, case studies, survey, theoretical perspectives, cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. It is imperative to examine some of these strategies while paying particular attention to the case study method which will be applied in this particular research.

Experiment as one of the research strategies is based on the observation ‘of a highly predefined range of behavior under controlled conditions. The researcher chooses, for instance, two phenomena and tests them on the subject of study, focusing on the analogies or distinctions in this case prenatal care for the women of undocumented. Experimental research strategy is often recommended when carrying out a scientific research, where the phenomenon being studied will not be affected by the experimental conditions

Research Procedures

Use of research tools such as questionnaires, interviews, relevant journals, periodicals and data sampling and machines would be utilized in the process conducting the interview. Experts would be needed to conduct the research.

In implementing the activities, both the quantitative and qualitative approaches was considered, where by qualitative data are those that would be based on the spoken words while the quantitative data would be generated from the overall data collected based of accuracy and efficiency The research project was scheduled to run for a period of one year and a few Months within which prenatal care for the women of undocumented status would be put under scrutiny and rigorous investigations to ascertain the objectives of the research (Venables, 1996).

Validity and Reliability of Results

A debate about the findings of the preceding literatures on prenatal care for the women of undocumented status inevitably includes a discussion of ‘research’, normally referring to the way in which the data were collected”. This research being a phenomenological, all questions are related to theoretical characteristics discussed in literature preview. The process would therefore be accurate in collecting, analyzing and sampling data; hence the validity of result would be quite high. Considering that there are many different aspects of validity, which influence the validity of the research in general (Freeman, & Curt 2002).

Ethical consideration

The participants were supplied with different questionnaires based on specific areas of interests. The approval or the disapproval of implementation of the program should be based on its merits and demerits as determined after conducting the research. All the participants were given their respectively informed consent for the purpose of participation in the research. They were informed prior to the research, the purposes, the potential benefits as well as the risks that might be associated with their participation. Ethical standards shall be considered in the process of the procedures of the research.

It is an ethical requirement that all the people taking part in this study shall be informed about the rationale of the research and the intentions of the researcher by means of an introductory letter that shall be sent to them. All the findings taken care of higher levels of confidentiality and as a matter of ethics, none of the sources, be it personal or at organization level, shall correlated with any particular observation, nor shall any comment be associated without explicit permission from the source. All the information gathered during the interviews shall be treated as confidential and every individual participant shall be given full rights of anonymity. All interviewees shall be treated with high degree of respect and esteem.

If the participants may chose not to answer any part of the question/s, their right to not answer shall be acknowledged and it will be ensured that the privacy of any person shall not compromised upon. Two attempts shall be made and no further again to respect the privacy of any individual. Besides, the proposal for a general announcement of the ruling for agreeing to contribute to no other involvement incentive shall be offered. Whilst conducting interviews with the sources, researcher should stay cognitive of the selected interview time and makes no efforts to intentionally lengthen the interview. Moreover, as an important part of the ethical considerations, all the sources of secondary data are given complete recognition for their input to this study. The composed data is characterized truthfully and the investigation is to the finest of the researcher’s knowledge and capability

Limitations encountered

During the carrying out of the research several challenges were encountered which included:

Some respondents were not willing to cooperate in the process of carrying out of the interview.

Some questionnaires were not properly answered while others remained blank forcing the possibility of assumptions to be included here.


The methodology which was exploited here mainly through the questionnaires and the interviews were most appropriate as they enabled the most information to be obtained. Many respondents could be reached within a short period of time while sampling enabled a comparison to be carried out on prenatal care for the women of undocumented status. They helped in the real understanding on how prenatal care for the women of undocumented status has actually been done which have actually helped it in realizing the objectives.

Data Analysis and Presentation

The data collected will then be double entered, edited and then input into SPSS V-10 statistical package for analysis. The results will be categorized as categorical, continuous or discreet or count data. The analyzed data will presented in form of histograms for continuous data and bar graphs descript data. Inferences will be made from the triangulation of the qualitative and quantitative data.

Sample population and sampling method

As the researcher tries to define the population of interest in the study, there is a need to consider that the population should be specific to an extent that this population is applicable to the particular situation of the study as well as the understanding of the population. The best sampling method is therefore worth consideration during selection to make sure that the random selection has identified the representative individuals. This is the only way that the insights of the whole population that has been targeted for the research are provided in the study (Thomas & Kilmann, 2004).

Application of triangulation to research

The essence of applying triangulation is for the sake of indications of applicability of several methods (excess of two) in the course of the study in consideration of checking double or even triples results checking otherwise known as cross examination. The idea behind the concept is for the researcher to express a high degree of confidence in consideration of the results of diverse methods that give similar results. In case a single method was applied by the researcher, there is a higher tendency of believing that the results are valid. The application of more that a single method may result to a clash of the results. The application of about three methods attempting to derive an answer may lead to a similarity of answers from two out of the three methods used. In case of an occurrence of a crash there is then a need of reframing the question.


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Women’s eNews Nebraska Prenatal Bill Stirs Fight Over Immigration