NUR 3183 Diet Analysis Project Assignment part 1 (40 points)
Directions: You must first read and follow the operational instructions to create your nutrition analysis before answering these questions (see the additional posted directions on Canvas). You will use the website and the information from cronometer program print outs/screen shots and the open cronometer nutrition report to answer the following questions. Late assignments will lose 5 points. Points will be deducted if the Cronometer Nutrition Report has not been analyzed based on COMPLETED days – see directions and the grading rubric. You will submit online (1). The answers to these questions. (2). Your 3 days of food logs. (3). Screen shots of 3 food diaries (from cronometer. (4). Screen shots of the cronometer nutrient report showing all requested nutrients (directed in the profile). Make sure the top of the report is visible – Showing the words Nutrition Report and dates and completed days. See also the assignment’s grading rubric on Canvas.
1a. About how many servings/cups of vegetables did you eat each day? Look at your food logs and see for a description of what constitutes a serving.
Day 1 _______________ Day 2 ____________________Day 3___________________________
b. How many cups of vegetables should you be eating each day? (see MyPlate daily vegetable table)?
c. Did you meet these recommendations? Yes or no? _____
d. Did you eat a variety (different colors, types, ….) of vegetables? Yes or no? _____
2a. About how many servings/cups of fruit did you eat each day? Day 1_______________
Day 2___________________Day 3_________________________________
Look at your food logs and see for a description of what
constitutes a serving.
b. How many servings/cups of fruits should you be eating each day? (see MyPlate daily fruit table)?
c. Did you meet these recommendations? Yes or no? _____
3. A serving of dairy products is about 1 cup of milk or yogurt or about 1 to 1½ oz of cheese. Did you consume
at least 3 servings of dairy products each day? See your food logs and
Yes or No? ___________
4a. Look under the General Column and how many calories (kcal) you consumed. Energy _______kcal
b. Look at the cronometer “nutrition report” under the Carbohydrates column – how many grams of carbs were
consumed? _____ g. It is the first number listed at the top of the column.
c. Multiply the grams (listed from above) by 4 to get calories from carbs. How many calories were from carbohydrates? _________ Show your math
Example math 250 g carbohydrates consumed x 4 = 1000 kcal from carbohydrates
d. Lastly, divide the calories from carbohydrates (listed directly above in c) by total calories listed in 4a and then
multiply by 100 to get the percentage. Show your math
Example math 1000 kcal from carbohydrates / 2000 kcal consumed x 100 = 50%
What percent of your calories came from carbohydrates? _______%
5a. Next, you will do the same thing for the lipids but instead multiply by 9 (not 4). Look at the cronometer nutrition report under the Lipids column – how many grams of fat were consumed? _____ g
It is the first number listed at the top of that column head.
b. Multiply the grams (listed from above) by 9 to get calories from fat. How many calories were from fat? _________ Show your math. Example math 20 g fats consumed x 9 = 180 kcal from fats
c. Lastly, divide the calories from fat (listed directly above 5b) by total calories listed in 4a and then multiply by
100 to get the percentage. What percent of your calories came from lipids? _______% Show your math.
6a. Finally, you will do the same thing for protein but multiply by 4. Look at the cronometer nutrition report
under the Protein column – how many grams of protein were consumed? _____ g
It is the first number listed at the top of that column head.
b. Multiply the grams (listed from above) by 4 to get calories from protein. How many calories were from protein? _________ Show your math.
c. Lastly, divide the calories from protein (listed directly above in 6b) by total calories listed in 4a and then
multiply by 100 to get the percentage. What percent of your calories came from protein? _______%
Show your math.
7a. Look under the Lipids Column on the cronometer nutrition report and write down the amount of saturated fat
consumed. Saturated fat ______ g
b. Calculate the percentage of energy from saturated fat as follows – multiply g of saturated fat x 9, and then
divide by kcal from 4a, then multiply by 100. Show your math
Here is an example [(18.7 g saturated fat x 9 )/ 1890 kcal] x 100 = [168.3 / 1890] x 100 = 8.9% of energy
[( g Saturated Fat x 9) / kcal] x 100 =
8. List the percentages you calculated from questions 4d, 5c, 6c and 7a and compare these calculated percentages
with recommendations listed below and indicate which have been met, which are over and which are under.
Fat (20% – 35%): Protein (10-35%):
Saturated Fat (< 10%): Carbohydrates (45% – 65%):
9. Using the open cronometer nutrition report on your computer, hover over the highlighted content within the
saturated fat section on the computer screen, what 3 foods provided you with the most saturated fat?
10. If you consumed > 10% of energy from saturated fat (see your answer to question #7), this is unhealthy.
Name 2 specific dietary modifications that could you make to your diet to reduce your intake of saturated
fat. In other words what specific foods can you reduce your intake of to lessen the amount of saturated fat in
your diet? Do not use vague terms such as “processed food”, “junk food”, “sweets”,“fast foods” etc.
11a. Using the report under the Lipids section, how many grams of omega-3 fatty acids did you consume? ___g
Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy. Most people do not consume enough.
b. Using the open report under Lipids on your computer, hover over the omega-3 section. Name 2 foods that
you ate that provided you with the most omega-3 fatty acids?
12. Name 2 more specific foods that you could realistically eat to substantially increase your intake of
polyunsaturated fats? (you may want to review your lecture notes)
13. Name 2 specific foods that you could realistically eat to substantially increase your intake of
monounsaturated fats? (you may want to review your lecture notes)
14a. Under the Protein section on the analysis, list how many grams of protein you consumed? ______ g
b. What is your RDA for protein? ____________ g
To calculate your RDA for protein, divide your body weight in pounds by 2.2, and multiply by 0.8.
(Sample – RDA = 160 lbs/2.2 kg per lb = 72.72 kg x 0.8 g protein/kg = 58.2 g protein)
c. Did you meet your Recommended Dietary Allowance for protein? Look at the number you calculated in 14 b
versus the number reported in 14a. Yes or No? ____________
If you consumed over the recommendation (i.e. 14a is > 14 b) – the answer is yes and this is good!
15a. Under the Carbohydrates section on the printout, list how many grams of fiber you consumed?______g b. Did you meet the recommendation? Yes or No? ____________________
(i.e. was it above 100% – is so then Yes you met the recommendation or if it is < 100% then NO you did not)
16. Using the open report under Carbohydrates on your computer, hover over the highlighted content within the
fiber section on the computer screen, what 3 foods provided you with the most fiber?
17. If you did not meet the recommended fiber intake, name 3 specific fiber-rich foods that you could realistically
add to your diet to improve your fiber intake?
18a. Click on the Cronometer website under Profile, and then on Body Details. What is your Body Mass Index (BMI)? ____________
b. Go to According to the BMI information provided on
this site, are you underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese? _______________
19. Based on this diet analysis, specify 2 specific dietary changes (not previously mentioned) that you could make
that would improve your diet. Do not address water or any of the vitamins or minerals. Do not use vague terms
such as “bad carbs, junk foods, processed foods, fast foods, sweets, highly preserved foods, fatty foods, …”.