Nursing Philosophy

Nursing Philosophy

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Table of Contents

TOC o “1-3” h z u Nursing Philosophy PAGEREF _Toc317409700 h 3Introduction PAGEREF _Toc317409701 h 3Reason (s) For Choosing the Nursing Profession PAGEREF _Toc317409702 h 3Belief about the Core of Nursing PAGEREF _Toc317409703 h 3Belief about the Human Nature of Individuals (Man) PAGEREF _Toc317409704 h 3Belief about the Responsibilities of Nursing to Society PAGEREF _Toc317409705 h 3Role Education Has In the Nursing Profession PAGEREF _Toc317409706 h 4Belief of Responsibility and Accountability to Patient, Family and the Profession PAGEREF _Toc317409707 h 4Vision of Self as a Nurse and Career Projections of 5 Years and 10 Years from Now PAGEREF _Toc317409708 h 4

Nursing PhilosophyIntroductionReason (s) For Choosing the Nursing ProfessionThe nursing profession has been my preferred profession for as long as I can recall. My inspiration originated from my father. He is a physician (OB-GYN) and consequently, I grew up visiting the hospital with him as he would make rounds in the hospital or deliver babies. On numerous occasions, I would take a seat at the nurses’ station and simply observe their every move. As an individual, I am a compassionate personality, and always keen to provide care for people in need. 

Belief about the Core of Nursing The facets of my nursing philosophy and belief value system include knowledge, compassion/caring, time management, advocacy, honesty, respect, as well as patient privacy. Nursing is a profession one strategically selects to assist and care for other people.

Belief about the Human Nature of Individuals (Man)In regard to human nature of individuals, I believe that nurses’ beliefs concerning human nature of individuals would influence their interactions with patients. Health promotion ought to be approached from the perspective of the individual or humanity as a whole.

Belief about the Responsibilities of Nursing to Society         There is a need to consider the health issues that patients’ experience. The most important causes of diseases are usually lifestyle choices. There is a need to focus on wellness of the populace, rather than being treatment focused as a health care system. This brings about the issue of education in order to minimize the amount of patients who experience these conditions or illnesses.  

Role Education Has In the Nursing Profession           Knowledge is the foundation of success in this profession. As a nurse one should know the diseases as well as disease processes. A nurse ought to be able to affect classroom knowledge and proficiency to the work place so as to be effectual as a nurse. I believe that appliance of knowledge is more important than merely passing exams. As a first-class nurse, one ought to be able to reflect holistically, continuously anticipating the patient’s needs. As a first-class nurse, one ought to able to prioritize health-care issues within the patient’s individual diagnosis.

Belief of Responsibility and Accountability to Patient, Family and the Profession          My personal belief system has been to be a caring and compassionate individual. In the nursing career, one requires having an overwhelming degree of care and compassion for patients, in addition to their families. A nurse ought to realize that, they should care for the physical health of the patient, as well as their emotional needs.  In regard to chronically sick patients, or palliative care, there are numerous, intricate emotional issues that require be recognizing and dealing with by the health-care professional. 

Vision of Self as a Nurse and Career Projections of 5 Years and 10 Years from NowAs a successful nurse, I anticipate having gathered ample experience working in the intensive care/critical care setting. I also anticipate being close to attaining my masters, five years from now. In the following duration of ten years, I anticipate having achieved my masters and working in the nursing profession as an acute care nurse practitioner (ACNP) or an advanced practice nurse (APN). In conclusion, I will endeavor to adhere and maintain to my nursing philosophy all through my career. Nursing, is a well-respected, self-fulfilling and rewarding career.