Obstacles That Might Affect Post-High School Achievement

Obstacles That Might Affect Post-High School Achievement

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Obstacles That Might Affect Post-High School Achievement

I have chosen to be a nurse and there are various experiences I have had in the past that have influenced my choice and I know they will influence my stay at the college and my ability to pursue the nursing course. However, I would like to discuss one issue that will influence my performance in a positive way and actually not in a negative way. I have a friend called Calvin and we have been friends for a while now. Calvin is pro-life and a lot of other things which I am not. However, we never actually discuss these things but only discuss the things that we find pleasing and mostly what we share as common interests.

Therefore, we kind of make what we do not share remain dormant in our friendship. Through his friendship, I have learned so much about people and in fact about patients and how to handle them. It might be a challenge to handle some patients when they think you are opposed to what they believe in and therefore it is an important part of nursing education to learn and train oneself to be modest and deal with such in the best manner possible. For example, when learning about nursing and I go for my clinical I would have a difficult time dealing with pro-life patients. Firstly, if the abortive option is available and they are risking themselves by having a pregnancy that could be lethal to them I would actually be pissed off.

However, the role of the school is to teach how to handle such cases and how to treat and handle such cases in the best way possible. In such a case the nurse is supposed to offer care and support to the patient and guide them towards what the best option would be but at the same time not forcing it to the patient but actually just explaining it for them to understand and choose for themselves. Patience is one of the qualities of a nurse and I will have to deeply cultivate this in nursing school. In as much as I love helping people, I have had the challenge of helping them on my terms and I know it is not the best value as people like being listened to, and even if what they say does not make sense, they like being approved of it.

I usually listen to people but if I realize what they are saying is too abstract or does not make sense I most of the time do what I think is best. I understand this cannot happen when dealing with patients and it is one thing, I have to learn actually I have succeeded in some areas with my friends and I hope the same will be applicable to everyone especially the patients in hospitals since I cannot allow my emotions to take over my role of the caregiver as a nurse which is very important. Even though it has been a challenge I have handled it very well of late and I hope to continue handling it that way till I am able to put other people’s ideas and concerns before mine and my ideas of what I think is right.