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OSHA is an acronym for Occupational Safety Health and Administration that protects workers through state approved OSHA programs (Erjavec, 2009). They offer training for workers within work places and provision of assistance to business. In our study Asbestos is a material that can cause potential chronic and acute health issues. OSHA STANDARD NO 1910.1001 deals with asbestos because of its hazardous nature to workers. The standard requires that no employee is exposed to more than 1 fiber per cubic centimeter of air over a period of thirty minutes. The employee shall also train each employee exposed in a training program me based on risks and requirements to prevent asbestos excursion (Lack, 2001). The employee is also expected to compliant respirators that comply with OSHA requirements such as tight fitting purifying respirators, HEPA filters for powdered and non powdered respirators, face shields, vented goggles, and coveralls of full body. Breathing zone air samples are required to determine exposure of employee through 8hr TWA and short term exposure. An employee can only be assigned a duty after a medical examination which is a periodic examination done annually.
Science lab has developed a Material safety data sheet from a product on Platinum on asbestos. It has indicated the exposure limit as 1 f/cc. The medical data sheet indicates the percentage or composition of the hazardous material. It provides detailed information on First aid measures as opposed to OSHA which gives regulations. The medical sheet contains information on how to prevent exposure and how to control. Other regulations include protective equipments, WHMIS in Canada which is classified under class D-2A for very toxic materials and also OSHA Hazard communication standard. The MSDS should clearly indicate specific areas or work industries that some standards should be applied as the way OSHA standards are regulated. Periodic checkups should be implemented not only when exposed or in the period of explosion but regularly.
Lack, R. (2001) Safety, health, and asset protection: Management essentials, second edition. (2 ed., pp. 89-125). Florida: CRC Press.
Erjavec, J. (2009). Tech manual (5 ed., pp. 100-278) Washington Dc: Cengage Learning.