Philosophy Matrix

Philosophy Matrix

The Eastern Metaphysics, then, takes self conscious turn which epistemology avoids, to examine the powers & processes of the intellect by which the humans have become the conscious of things which they know & act upon in the routine lives. From point of view of philosophy, however, all of the effort has expended in regard for arriving at few basic concepts for example first principles that provide substance upon that being is grounded.

Field Definition Historical Developments Schools Of Thought Key Contributors Principal Issues


epistemology is theory/ science which investigates the nature, origin, limits of knowledge and methods 1. Mid 19th century is 1st positivism  

2. Late 19th century early 20th century is 2nd positivism

3. 1st half of 20th century is structuralism

4. lastly there is post structuralism 1. Logical positivism

2. Empiricism

3. Apriorism 1. Aristotle

2. René Descartes

3. Immanuel Kant How is knowledge acquired?

What is knowledge?

How do we know what we know?