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Point of View Essay The Beauties of Central Park
As the chilly wind blew across the park, I noticed that other people were having a glimpse of what crossed my mind. The park was quiet with all kinds of nature surrounding mean. In almost all direction, vegetation is green and colorful out of the florid trees and short and beautiful bushes around the park. The wind would be heard clearly whistling through the green and beautifully structured trees. In a moment, I stood looking to the natural beauties and the sounds that could naturally be created without the assistance of human effort. The only efforts that seem to have been implanted by man are the pattern of vegetation in which case it can hardly be natural. The vegetation is scattered in a way that would allow people have a cool and soothing environment. Its great and beautiful environment could be reflected to its establishment in 1857 as indicated in a signpost that stands right in front of me. A mixture of flowers of various species and colors send nice and attractive scent creating a feeling of one wishing to stay there in eternity.
I did not hesitate to taste the some nectar from flowers as I found it difficult to glare at the work of bees trying to extract nectar from the same flowers. I thought it was a great idea to have a taste of the nectar and it was actually great. I could hardly ignore that soft touch of green grass as I laid on the grass looking at the great scenery created by the sun as it was slowly varnishing in the yellow-orange horizon. Surprisingly, the wind was decreasing in intensity making the voices generated by the wind as it paves its way through the trees faded out. The sweet singing voices of birds were also dying out.
Horrible Grounds
You can hardly imagine the contrast that existed in the same place but separation is only through distance. As eagerly looked at the beautiful sunset scene, behind me was a horror of a place. I could hardly imagine that on the other end of the central park could be so deserted that one would feel afraid staying back to watch the end of the day as he or she welcomes the night. I noticed this as I took off from the park after just twenty minutes of my stay in the park. The place was quiet, dark, and the good scent from flowers had certainly died out. I could hardly figure out the reason for this but I thought to myself that the place could have been isolated due to its location. The region has little or no vegetation and people abandon it for this main reason among other reasons. This place is so isolated that it turns out to look horrible. Besides, people could be seen doing all sorts of things at late hours of the day making the park unfavorable to some people who may find some unethical behaviors disgusting. The park is well lit at night but the lighting shadows make some sports frightening. As I passed through the now deserted part to my way home, the weather was not only cold but also freezing. This aspect creates a significant contrast between day and night in the park. The contrast in this case happened in an unbelievably short time, about half an hour.