Possible Relationship between Crime, Race and SES
Possible Relationship between Crime, Race and SES
The graphic analyzed proves the stereotype that Africa Americans are more likely to commit street crimes as compared to white. Whites on the other hand are more likely to commit white collar crimes than Africa America. Street crimes are viewed as crimes committed by the poor, the arrogant and the under educated and therefore relating them with the Africa American simply portrays the public expects them to have several negative qualities. White collar crimes on the other hand, are financially motivated crimes of those assumed to be crimes of the white people as they require someone who is respectable and of high social status. With these stereotypes in mind, analyzing crimes committed on the bases of race either Africa American and white strongly promotes racial profiling.
Racial profiling refers to refers to use of race by law enforcement persons as an important factor in deciding if it is necessary to engage in enforcement. The Supreme Court has also assisted in encouraging racial profiling when handling Africa American and white crimes though acceptance of using ‘reasonable suspicion’ rule. Reasonable suspicion rule allow police officers to stop a person for the sole reason of reasonable suspicion. However, we find that police officers tend to stop African Americans more time than whites. Interestingly, whites tend to possess weapons and more arrests are made when they are arrested than in Africa American case. Further, the society and the courts do not pay equal attention to white crimes as they do to blue crimes. Africa Americans are associated with blue collar crimes or the so called street crimes while the white are associated with white collar crimes. White collar crimes such as bribery, fraud, cybercrimes, money laundering and forgery should be taken more seriously since they too have serious negative effect to the economic, social and political sectors in a country.
Bottom line, the rate of street crimes and elite white collar crimes on both Africa Americans and white is determined or promoted by racial profiling.