Practitioner scholar
The attainment of the level of scholar practitioner is something that many people normally aspire for but it’s only a few that can match the level of the qualities and attributes that a real scholar can demonstrate. This course mainly focused on the meaning of scholar practitioner and how they use the skills qualities and other attributes to create value in other people’s lives. According to the definition of a scholar practitioner, one can only attain that level through excellent professional achievement after undergoing a rigorous program of theory, research and experimental knowledge. These are normally supported by strong personal values and ethical conduct as prescribed by that particular area of profession. A scholar practitioner is someone who is committed to the development of knowledge in a particular area of study and hence will require a substantial level of commitment to be able to contribute to creation and management of knowledge and new ways of doing things in a particular way.
Scholar practitioners also value collaborative learning environment where people are able to interact and share knowledge and skills. From the above background I have been able to develop a strong understanding that scholar practitioner can be defined as a well organized and skilled individual with strong principles and ideals that are gradually developed through academic engagements, professional development and social systems which are combined and passed from one person to another. Scholar practitioners are prominently found in disciplines such education, medicine, psychology, sociology, managegement and law among others.
The personnel in these disciplines normally exhibit a strong understanding of the subject matter within their areas of specialization. They also have several years of professional experience gained through practice in the same fields and hence they have been able to demonstrate effectiveness and efficiency in solving problems in the specific areas. This according to my understanding is the true definition and meaning of scholar practitioner. Most scholar practitioners normally end up in education sector as lecturers but it’s quite clear that scholar practitioners are capable of handling a whole range of activities in practice but generally most of them will end up being agents of change within organizations but others will specialize in business leadership.
This course has therefore expanded my knowledge and understanding about the true meaning of scholar practitioners. Before this course I only had a narrow meaning of practitioner which was basically restricted to educational sector as a lecturer who assists in the development of knowledge in a particular field but after carefully studying the meaning of scholar practitioner I have therefore developed a firm understanding of scholar practitioner as people who can be found in almost all spheres of life.
This course will therefore guide me through my academic and professional goals and will provide a good background for consolidation of my skills and knowledge towards the attainments of scholar practitioner level. It will also impart the necessary values and ethical components that will be necessary for my success in all areas of profession. Scholar practitioners are mainly interested in the development and dissemination of knowledge and this will be one of the greatest virtues social change as the world becomes more and more informed. This will also go along way in helping solve some of the challenges that the people experience. This course has therefore motivated me and has created a new drive that will propel me towards higher professional and academic achievement and hence attainment of scholar practitioner status.
Distefano,A.,Rudestam,E.K. & Silverman,J.R.(2004). Encyclopedia of distributed
learning. Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications.