Precedent study of new York city

Precedent study of New York City

Since the late years of the 19th century, towards the early years of the 20th century, New York City has grown to become what it is currently. New York is actually the largest city in the United States, which has an architectural marvel that has quite a number of historic monuments, a large number of incredible skyscrapers, and wonderful buildings. Apart from the architectural marvels, the city has everything that could meet the needs of most of the people who might be visiting the area. It is home to numerous parks, museums, shopping streets as well as trendy neighborhoods. This paper presents the history of the city from the late nineteenth century to the present situation, thereby providing a roadmap describing its growth from what it used to be then up to this point in time.

The formation of the New York City resulted from voting by residents of the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island, to consolidate with Manhattan in order to form the greater New York. These were independent cities before the year 1895, whose consolidation afterwards led to the city occupying about 360 square miles from the previous 60 square miles.


Figure 1: Top view of the New York City, showing Brooklyn Bridge and the waterfront. At the foreground are the Governors Island and the Battery Park.

With the expansion of the city, it was necessary for the concerned authorities to organize it appropriately in order to take care of the expected population explosion that could hit the country. For this reason, it was necessary to construct interstate highways, suburbs and to ensure deindustrialization as well as make other economic changes in order to accommodate the new developments in the city. The developments led to the elimination of chaotic and squalid urban centers, leading to the construction of skyscrapers, opening up of the great suspension bridge, and the development of a subway system that is one of the longest in the world.

The developments of the New York City metropolis led to its consideration as the nerve center of America, which was achievable through the development of mighty public works buildings, which is inclusive of it’s a great aqueduct system that ensures the city dwellers have access to clean water. Later in the years, Clinton was one of the masterminds behind Manhattan’s modern day grid system, which was a plan that could organize the city appropriately in the face of the predicted population explosion.

Apart from ensuring the construction of the numerous public works projects, the other project involved the construction of a housing scheme that could boost the health of the people living in the tiny tenement houses. This project, the central park project, was to be executed in the form of a public park that measuring 843 acres, whose vision was to boon the speculation on real estate and to ensure green reforms in the region. The park was meant to provide playgrounds for the masses as well as offer work relief for the city in the mid-1980s. The execution of the different projects was necessary for the realization of the current developments in the city. It is possible to insinuate that the amenities have led to the tremendous development of the city into an aesthetically appealing city with efficient public service delivery.


Figure 2: 239th Street yard, NYC IRT Subway.