

For a group to perform and function effectively it has to identify its strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities to work on them to obtain a good result. From an analysis of our team we have discovered that we have the following issues; poor communication, lack of creativity, and at times emotions affect our productivity. Emotions and how we feel tend to affect our performance. affective events theory according to researchers Howard Weiss and Russell Cropanzano study the six major emotions in a workplace that is; anger, fear, joy, love, surprise, and kindness argue that different events of a job bring out different emotions in people(Cropanzano et al.,2017). For example a difficult task might arouse joy and excitement in one member while bringing stress and fear in another. Therefore, it is important to study the character of each individual in a team. As a team we encourage each other to take personality tests to better understand each other, for example taking the Myer-Briggs personality tests. Also, we encourage addressing the issue that may be triggering negative emotions. We try to share tasks according to each person’s ability and being mindful of each other.also the organization should train each employee on the constructive expression of emotions.this enable them to express their negative and positive emotions in a less intensely manner.this will eventually lead to more openness, understanding and less buildup of negative ill also result in better communication and unity in the group(Stephens et al.,2013). Also the members should be able to do the work at the time that is appropriate to them so that they can be comfortable and less stressed.

Creativity and innovations are key to high-performance organizations in the world(Korzilius et al.,2017). Lack of creativity in a team leads to a lack of interest and direction in performing a task. From the analysis of our team it is clear that lack of creativity hinders our performance. To solve this I recommend encouraging each member to openly voice their ideas. The members should be aware that their ideas are valued and required. Secondly, hold directed brainstorming meetings to open up the minds of the members and the following point to point until it can be visualized. When a plan that was brainstormed is finally implemented it encourages the team to come up with more ideas. The members should be free with one another so that they can share freely and regularly. According to Adam Fridmanchange can be a great way to bring creativity. The team can try changing their work practices and environment, for example doing groups in parks, allowing them to dress and work with devices they are comfortable with.the change may trigger new Maslow’s theory creativity is part of self-actualization which is in the theories hierarchy of needs(Saccheti and Tortia,2013).therefore the team members should be recognized whenever they come up with new ideas.this will encourage the others to come up with ideas too.

Communication is the most key element in team building. Without communication all the other team’s goals and the issues disused above my be hard to be achieved. Poor communication affects many organizations and is a problem that needs to be eradicated. As team members we should be able to be free to air out our opinions without contradiction. This will encourage every member to communicate and share more. Also whenever a conflict between members arises it should be dealt with and resolved peacefully. Feedback should be taken from the team after completing their tasks to determine their satisfaction on the work done.according to Elton mayo theory of motivation it states that employees are more satisfied with being given attention and good communication more than monetary(Sandhya et al.,2011).This theory shows that when each team member is given attention as is heard they will be free to communicate and work.this will improve the performance of the team.communication can also be improved by encouraging more face to face meetings this makes it convenient for the members to explain their problems.


Cropanzano, R., Dasborough, M. T., & Weiss, H. M. (2017). Affective events and the development of leader-member exchange. Academy of Management Review, 42(2), 233-258.

Korzilius, H., Bücker, J. J., & Beerlage, S. (2017). Multiculturalism and innovative work behavior: The mediating role of cultural intelligence. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 56, 13-24.

Sacchetti, S., & Tortia, E. C. (2013). Satisfaction with creativity: A study of organizational characteristics and individual motivation. Journal of Happiness Studies, 14(6), 1789-1811.

Sandhya, K., & Kumar, D. P. (2011). Employee retention by motivation. Indian Journal of science and technology, 4(12), 1778-1782.

Stephens, J. P., Heaphy, E. D., Carmeli, A., Spreitzer, G. M., & Dutton, J. E. (2013). Relationship quality and virtuousness: Emotional carrying capacity as a source of individual and team resilience. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 49(1), 13-41.