Summary of Three Articles





Summary of Three Articles

This article on higher education by Clark Kerr brings and shows the research university in a new light, that of a new century. In the article, the author argues that the multiversity is now facing numerous challenges with few certainties. It is shown how university leaders can assume different roles like those if foxes or hedgehogs in the current world. To show what attitudes universities should adopt in this age, he gives five different points of recommendations. One of them is that universities should be more privatized, and that they should rely more on tuition. Another point is that there should be more federalization, with the third point being that there should be more cultivation of general support from the public. The other two points are that more attention should be paid to using resources effectively and that universities should focus more on pluralistic leadership (Kerr 186- 196).

The other article is by Ellen Goldring and Claire Smrekar, and is about magnet schools. The two authors argue that these schools are being established in more systems today to allow for racial diversity and improve scholastic standards and come up with a wide range of activities and programs for the better satisfaction of the needs, interests and talents of all students. The authors utilize a number of surveys to indicate the importance of magnet schools and point out that there is a huge need for the desegregation of schools in current times for the better satisfaction of needs and talents of all students (Goldring and Claire 17- 34).

Frederick Rudolph the author of the next article that talks about college movements. He talks about different movements that occurred in different universities and colleges like the movements that happened in the University of North Carolina, Princeton, New Miami College, Wabash College, and Emory College among others. The author argues that the institutions in these movements in the US intended to be institutions that are democratic for a democratic society. As it follows, they represented of the best and worst of a society. He implies that these movements at the most resulted from individuals putting their faith in man, and their belief in progress (Rudolph 45- 67).

Works cited

Goldring, Ellen and Claire Smrekar. Magnet Schools and the Pursuit of Racial Balance, 17- 34. Print.

Kerr, Clark. The uses of the University, 186- 196. Print

Rudolph, Frederick. The College Movement, 45- 67. Print.