Tea of Coffee; Which Drink


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Tea of Coffee; Which Drink is better

Can you replace your regular cup of tea with coffee to start your day? Tea and coffee top the list of the most popular beverages in the world. Accounting for 78% of all team consumption and consumption, black tea is the most sought-after drink. While tea and coffee have similarities, they also have their fair share of differences. It is hard to tell the better beverage because both sides of the aisle show a lot of passion for their drinks. The purpose of this essay is to contrast between two drinks- coffee and tea, in terms of health benefits, taste, and caffeine content.

Health Benefits

To begin with, both tea and coffee consumers often claim their drink of choice to be the healthiest. According to recent studies, both tea and coffee have significant health benefits. Coffee is effective in boosting physical performance, preventing Type 2 diabetes, and contains essential nutrients. Taking a cup of coffee every day prevents type 2 diabetes, according to scientists. According to researchers, coffee takers are significantly less likely to suffer from diabetes because the caffeine helps curb insulin resistance. For every cup of coffee consumed, they have a 7% less likelihood of developing diabetes (Hayakawa, 4553). Caffeine also boosts one’s physical performance by raising the level of adrenaline in the blood. This boots one’s response in physical activities. Research has shown that, on average, caffeine boosts physical performance by 12%. Additionally, caffeine comprises naturally occurring vitamin B compounds such as potassium and manganese. On the other hand, tea prevents weight loss, cancer, heart disease and protects brain function. Taking green tea speeds fat loss and speeds up metabolism. According to studies, consuming four cups of tea a day reduces body weight and waist circumference. Tea also prevents cancer as it can kill specific cancer cells. Studies have established an association between tea and preventing oxidative damage, which causes cancer. Tea also reduces heart disease as it reduces cholesterol that leads to serious cardiovascular problems. Additionally, some teas improve blood circulation and reduce high blood pressure, reducing the likelihood of heart attacks and blood clots. Tea also protects brain function by reducing the threat of developing neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

Caffeine Content

Secondly, it is common knowledge that although both drinks have caffeine as an ingredient, coffee contains more caffeine than tea. The health benefits of caffeine are primarily in its ability to help a person stay alert and focused. Many people will pick coffee to jump-start their day or get through a lazy afternoon when making choices. On a chemical level, caffeine functions by blocking adenosine which is a transmitter responsible for triggering relation. Coffee is a strongly brewed at high temperatures allowing the coffee beans to release more caffeine molecules (Samoggia and Bettina 653). As a result, coffee contains high levels of caffeine than tea. An eight-ounce cup of coffee contains between 90 and 100 milligrams of caffeine. Tea, on the other hand, does not contain as much caffeine as coffee. However, tea leaves have more naturally occurring caffeine than coffee beans. In essence, tea is an infusion that is generally weaker than coffee. Tea is brewed at relatively lower temperatures than coffee which ensures that not all the caffeine is extracted from the tea leaves. The tea leaves are discarded alongside a considerable amount of naturally occurring caffeine. Noteworthy, tea contains other chemical contents that boost focus and attention. The strongest teas contain about 70-90 milligrams of caffeine.


Thirdly, it is important to assess the taste of coffee and tea in deciding which drink is better. This is because if the taste is not appealing, one might not want to consume it. Coffee tends to have a more strong flavor and bitter taste than tea. Coffee is rather acidic, which explains its bold and astringent flavors. The strong chemical profiles and taste mean that coffee tends to be harsh on the stomach, especially if taken in high amounts. Tea also occurs in various flavors depending on where it is grown. Real tea consists of white tea, oolong tea, green tea, and black tea. The rest are deemed herbal tisanes as they do not emanate from Camellia sinensis, the actual plant tea. Oolong and black tea are the strongest flavors, with citrusy, fruity, earthy, and nutty options.


Tea and coffee are the most famous drinks across the world. Although they have some similarities, they also have remarkable differences pertaining to the taste, caffeine content, and health benefits. Tea is beneficial in preventing heart disease, weight loss, cancer, and boosting brain function. Coffee contains essential nutrients that boost physical performance and prevent diabetes. Coffee contains more caffeine than tea, although tea has more naturally occurring caffeine than coffee. As regards taste, both drinks have distinct tastes and preference depends on the individual. If one needs help figuring out the drink that works best for them, they should consult a qualified dietitian to help evaluate their needs.


Hayakawa, Sumio, et al. “Anti-Cancer Effects of Green Tea Epigallocatchin-3-Gallate and Coffee Chlorogenic Acid.” Molecules, vol. 25, no. 19, 2020, p. 4553. Crossref, doi:10.3390/molecules25194553.

Samoggia, Antonella, and Bettina Riedel. “Consumers’ Perceptions of Coffee Health Benefits and Motives for Coffee Consumption and Purchasing.” Nutrients, vol. 11, no. 3, 2019, p. 653. Crossref, doi:10.3390/nu11030653.