Teleworking in the Modern World
Student’s Name
Factors to Consider When Incorporating Teleworking in an Organization
Teleworking is a flexible program that allows employees to be flexible and work from anywhere, including their homes and at their desired hours beside the official office hours. As a member of the human resource in an organization, I support teleworking because it motivates employees to tap into their full potential, increasing their productivity and improving the overall performance of an organization. Before embracing this arrangement, there are essential factors and processes that I should put into consideration to ensure the company achieves the best outcomes from the employees.
The level of security needed in the organization is a significant factor that should be considered. Employees need to safeguard an organization’s information to prevent it from landing in the wrong hands, like competitors or individuals with malicious intentions (De Vries et al., 2019). Working outside the office is quite risky because devices used to facilitate operations can be tracked and hacked hence threatening the safety of organization data. Another factor is the availability of software and office equipment in remote areas that meets the organization’s standards. As an HR member, I would consider the comfortability and concentration of employees in their remote working spaces.
Teleworking heightened during the Covid-19 pandemic because of the restricted movement policy implemented by the government to reduce the spread of the highly contagious virus and keep the people safe. Many employees were forced to work from home since they could not access the office or mingle with other employees (Belzunegui-Eraso & Erro-Garcés, 2020). One positive aspect that came from it was people could keep safe, and the spread of the virus decreased immensely. Additionally, teleworking increases employees’ productivity and reduces the stress of supervision on employers (Groen et al., 2018). Employees record impressive results in their portfolios because they work in a safe, friendly, and comfortable zone.
Before implementing the telework arrangement, I would first talk with the employees and the management about it and listen to their ideas and opinions. What they say is essential because the arrangement affects them directly. Then I would check the cost of adopting this program and compare it with the resources available to facilitate it. If they balance out correctly, I will lay down rules and regulations that will guide implementation. I would also put down the consequences of not adhering to these rules. Finally, I will roll them out to employees and employers in the organizations and set a date when it officially commences.
Belzunegui-Eraso, A., & Erro-Garcés, A. (2020). Teleworking in the Context of the Covid-19 Crisis. Sustainability, 12(9), 3662.
De Vries, H., Tummers, L., & Bekkers, V. (2019). The benefits of teleworking in the public sector: Reality or rhetoric?. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 39(4), 570-593.
Groen, B. A., Van Triest, S. P., Coers, M., & Wtenweerde, N. (2018). Managing flexible work arrangements: Teleworking and output controls. European Management Journal, 36(6), 727-735.