The Effects of Video Games on Children

The Effects of Video Games on Children

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The Effects of Video Games on Children: What Parents Need to Know (this whole part is from the first word document by false HYPERLINK “,+Douglas+A/$N?accountid=8289” o “Click to search for more items by this author” Gentile, Douglas A . it’s titled just like the word document)

Video game is a general term that is used to describe computer games, arcade games and also console games such as play station. With the rapid rate in which technology is changing, the gaming industry is also not left behind. This technological revolution has seen video games move into the homes, with increasingly advanced games on offer. In the 1980s, there was a push for computers to be introduced to classrooms and this was closely followed by the discovery of the effect of video games and educational software on the academic performance of the children.

Over time however, the negative effects started to surpass the positive effects considering the fact that the video games moved into homes and can be easily accessed by children. Initially the games did not take a lot of time and were acceptable by the society. Conversely, in considering the present state of affairs, the games are consuming more time and have become increasingly violent. Children have in effect started exhibiting aggressive behaviour and they are constantly becoming desensitized to violence. Other negative effects of video games include physical disorders such as video induced seizures, obesity and postural, muscular and also skeletal disorders such as nerve compression and tendonitis. The overall time spent on video games has a negative correlation with the academics of children and also their behaviours in the society.

What’s the Psychological Effect of Violent Video Games on Children? (this second part is from the second word document and its titled just like the document. Its by HYPERLINK “$N/29620/DocView/875658932/fulltext/13E97AC9B417DD6B81B/3?accountid=8289” o “Click to search for more items from this journal” Targeted News Service [Washington, D.C] 28 June 2011.

The United States Supreme Court recently overturned a ruling that had banned the sale of violent video games to minors. This elicited a debate that looked into the effects of violent video games in the field of psychology. Psychologists strongly believe that the behaviour of children can be directly influenced by long hours of playing violent video games. Brad Bushman a psychology professor in Ohio State University provided evidence that video games can lead to an increase in aggressive thoughts, psychological arousal, aggressive behaviour, increased heart rates and angry feelings. He also proved that the violent video games led to a decrease in feelings of empathy for others and the desire to help others.

Other psychologists such have Christopher Ferguson argue that video games have a positive effect to the behaviour of children such as better stress management. This argument however does not hold water in that the negative effects outweigh the positive effects. Parents should therefore not be complacent but exercise more caution as to the amount of time spent by the children on the video games and the content of the games. They should minimize the children’s exposure on the violent video games and limit the time spent on the less violent video games.

A Review of the Effects of Violent Video Games on Children and Adolescents (this third part is from the 3rd Word document titled after the document. By HYPERLINK “,+Jodi+L/$N?accountid=8289” o “Click to search for more items by this author” Whitaker, Jodi L and HYPERLINK “,+Brad+J/$N?accountid=8289” o “Click to search for more items by this author” Bushman, Brad J

Violent video games are usually action oriented and more often than not include changes ion scenes and the audio levels vary considerably. The amount of movement in some games is also extreme in that the activity levels in the games may increase the children’s attention. However, the violence in the games may portray the wrong image to the children by seeming to justify violence. In some instances the violence is glamorised to the degree that the children identify with the violent characters in the games. Moreover, the children appear to ape the actions of their icons in the games especially in cases where the games are perceived to be realistic.

Psychologists have identified that the age of the children may affect their response to the violent games. Adolescents who are nearing adulthood may not be as seriously affected as young children who have just graduated from preschool. The younger the child that is exposed to the violent games the greater the effects. Long term psychological effects may result since the child will incorporate the violence in their neurological development and their personality growth.

Another major effect that is pointed out is desensitization that is a result of repeated exposure of the player to the violence of the games. Such extreme actions such as theft and murder become increasingly normal to a player of these games after repeated exposure. The child may eventually cease to have any negative feelings when witnessing such violent acts. This may exceed to the degree of comfortably planning or performing the violent behaviours.

Media Violence and Children: A Complete Guide for Parents and Professionals. (this is from the works cited by Gentile , douglas)

Anderson and bushman devise a model known as the GAM which works to depict the effects of violent video games to children. According to GAM, situational and personological variables work together to influence the internal state of an individual. Personological variables include, attitude towards violence and trait hostility whereas situational variables are exposure to the real world violence or media violence. The individual’s internal state is then interplay of cognitions and feelings and arousals. For example, hostile thoughts can influence hostile feelings. Therefore, a child who has been playing video games for a long period of time will affects their cognitions, affects and arousals which influence an individual’s interacts of those aggressive acts. Once the interpretation is made, the children or adolescents begin the decision making process (Gentile 75). The decision whether to react peacefully to situations or to react aggressively is then based on the interpretation of the situation based on the violence witnessed by the individuals playing the games.

Violent Video Game Effects on Children and Adolescents: Theory, Research, and Public Policy is from the works cited below by Anderson Douglas and Kathrine)

The correlates of aggressive behaviour amongst the adolescents are psychosocial and biological correlates. The psychosocial correlates mainly show the effect of the violent video games on the socialization of individuals. Most adolescents who play video games for long hours end up adapting anti social traits due to the short amount of time spent with people. The antisocial behaviours may also be due to the individual’s inability to respond to the real world after spending time in the virtual gaming world. Biological correlates are mainly based on the effects of the games on the neurological responses of the individual and the health of the individual (Anderson, Douglas 98).

Works Cited

Anderson, Craig A, Douglas A. Gentile, and Katherine E. Buckley. Violent Video Game Effects on Children and Adolescents: Theory, Research, and Public Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Internet resource

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Gentile, Douglas A. Media Violence and Children: A Complete Guide for Parents and Professionals. Westport, Conn. [u.a.: Praeger, 2003. Print.

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