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The Gay Stereotype
People always have varying thoughts about various groups of individuals or other people in terms of their behaviors, beliefs, sexuality, or other distinguishing characteristics. Sexuality, religion, gender, and race among other traits or social differences form the basis for stereotyping in which all people exist and have different perceptions on various social groups. This paper looks at the gay stereotype, which has been a concern in the United States and many parts of the world previously but has gained support by a significant percentage from the public. The popularity of this group has been increasing from time to time until various countries legalized it. Many people in such countries like the US have accepted it socially and traditionally. Gay marriages are today becoming popular despite a few reactions that some people and religions have towards the gay stereotype and gay marriages.
Politically, it is important understand the gay stereotype and what it is as Perkins (135) suggests. The mostly observed simplicity of the gay stereotype, like any other stereotype, is deceptive (Perkins 140). There should be a deeper understanding of the gay stereotype than just thinking of someone as gay, accepting the culture, or opposing it without any significant reasons. The theory of ideology or value concepts should be applied when analyzing a stereotype (Perkins 135). This could bring out the idea behind the rejection or acceptance of the gay stereotype in the society and by various cultures.
In this analysis of the gay stereotype, the social culture is widely being adopted by various groups making it emerge as a popular culture. The ideological perspective of the gay stereotype is critical to find out the way different group perceive gay people and the way the group values itself. T. E. Perkins (135) considers that the political structure of a country should recognize all stereotypes since the understanding would enhance the way of dealing with such culture. First, the cultural values of the gay stereotype have to be analyzed. The scope of the stereotype, the way it started, and its social aspects are key aspects of consideration. Another aspect to consider is the political perspective to the gay stereotype and the way the law protects such social group.
The historical framework of the gay stereotypes popularity is based on religious texts and the interpretation of the US constitution. Gay relationships are associated with ancient Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt times. The same acceptance of gay relationship has happened in the US and in various countries adopting the idea of Perkin for political bodies to understand and accept various stereotypes including the gay stereotype (Perkins 135).
This aspect has made gay stereotypes grow in popularity making the culture spread globally and challenging religious beliefs like Christianity, Islam, and other religions, which are against gay relationships and marriages (Doctor Science Blog post).
Today, gay stereotypes exist everywhere. These stereotypes target gay men, bisexuals, lesbians, transgender individuals, and transsexuals. They are discriminated in various placed such as at work due to their sexual orientation, and behaviors (Wiki-1, 1).
The gay stereotypes believe in same sex and rarely or even hardly advocate for heterosexual practices. The gay stereotypes mainly consist of homosexuals and lesbians, and they are specifically attracted to people of the same sex. They do all possible to attract other people into their culture to make it more popular. A stereotype can be made a popular culture by changing people ideology and their perspective or views towards their stereotype. Sometimes stereotype is a matter of fixuios ideologies that people have towards a certain group but they hardly understand the interest of such a group (Storey 141). For the gay stereotype to survive the ideology of other people objecting their cultural practices and their beliefs, people have to change the way they think about the stereotype and accept it as a structural social group within the society. Gay stereotype is considered inferior since the group undermines its purposeful capacity and analytical assessment preferring frayed enclosure reaction (Wiki-1, 2). Despite such reactions and inferior judgmental perspectives, the gay stereotype has been successful to the extent of becoming a major structural group in the United States and in other countries throughout the world. As a major structural group, the gay stereotypes are legally protected and have been accepted in the society (Perkins 135). The perspective that gay practice is evil is based on beliefs of people and traditions that people should engage in sexual practices with people of the opposite sex.
The gay stereotypes are marked as ‘abnormal’ in some societies due to the tradition that sex should be practiced between a man and a woman. Any other practice to satisfy sexual desires of an individual is considered a socially unacceptable cult. In the British society, ‘normal’ groups, such as whites, heterosexual, and middle class, are hardly marked but other extremes including gay stereotypes are considered inferior and less original. Representation of popular culture receives objections including forcible impositions of false perceptions and limiting stereotypes (Storey 141). A heterosexual singer, comedian, or any other celebrated individual may be less popular than gay individuals in the same category not because people love their culture but because whatever they practice creating a unique and ‘abnormal’ image in the society.
The gay stereotype are believed and seen as trying to change other people into their practices. Other groups associate them with sex as their major issue in relationships with other individuals of the same sex. There is hardly any significant diversity. Most of them engage in practices that would allow recognition by other member of the same group. People and the government need to be aware of the gay stereotypes and consider the ideologies surrounding the group. The aspect of the group being culturally or socially beneficial or misleading is built within the mindset and beliefs of people. People need to be cautious and act according to their ideologies considering that the stereotype is a major structural group, which is accepted traditionally and legally (Doctor Science Blog post).
Works Cited
Doctor Science Blog post. Legalizing polyamory & polygamy; includes Heinlein. 06 Nov 2006. 17 May 2013 <>.
Perkins, T. E. “Chapter 6: Rethinking Steriotypes.” Burret, Corrigan, Kuhn, and Wolff. Ideology and Cultural Production. NY: St. Martins , 1979. 134-159. Print.
Storey, John. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture, An Introduction, 5th ed. Sunderland: Pearson Publishers, 2008. Print.
“Sterotype.” Wiki-1. 9 May 2013. Print.