Tidal Streams and Currents.
Outline factors that differentiate tidal streams and currents.
Tidal streams refer to movements of water in the sea. This movement is induced by the gravitational forces that occur between the moon, the earth and the sun. In some cases though to a smaller extent, the gravitational forces may be from other planets. This purely is an astronomical phenomenon which is observable. The verdict is that, the earth has oceans and it rotates. Therefore, overall is that, tidal streams are quite predictable and they are driven by the movement of the moon and the earth.
On the other hand however, ocean current refers to a directed and continuous movement of water in the sea/ocean. They comprise of surface currents as well as deep sea currents. Surface currents are affected by the winds and tides while deep sea currents are affected by temperature and density gradients. Ocean currents are induced by factors of winds, gravity as well as tides. Currents maintain the constant motion and movement of the ocean.
How is information on tidal streams depicted to the mariner?
To a mariner, tidal streams may be both favorable as well as unfavorable. Tide streams increase the speed of water vessels, change the direction of water vessels among other effects. Therefore, it is not advisable for mariners to use vessels against tidal streams. A mariner therefore depends on tidal stream prediction which is measured using the equipment of tide staff, radar tide gauge recorders as well as tide gauges. They also depend on RD Instruments (RDI) and Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ACDPs).
Select a particular current related to Australia and briefly describe the features.
The Australian region experiences four different coastal and ocean currents. These currents play a significant role in shaping the environmental marine conditions. One particular current for instance is the East Australian Current which flows towards the south along the eastern coast of Australia. It has a warming effect which is as a result of its activity in the Antarctica. It also moves heated and warm water from the Coral Sea in the tropical region. It can achieve a top speed of up to 7 knots. It facilitates the movement of fauna from the tropics to the subtropical locations. The current is weakest in winter and strongest during summer.
What equipment including ACDP, is utilized to determine tidal stream and currents?
A number of instruments are used to measure tidal stream and currents. For instance the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ACDP) which measures water velocities using the Doppler Effect caused by sound waves. Additionally, tide gauges may be used to determine currents and tidal streams. This equipment is of core importance not only in determining the currents but also in weather forecast. This goes a long way in preventing worst case scenarios of hazards and disasters.
What are the key features of the equipment?
ACDP has a number of features; it contains oscillators which play the role of receiving and transmitting signals. It also has a clock to measure the transmission time, a receiver to receive the transmitted signals, an electronic amplifier. Additionally, an ACDP has a temperature sensor which detects and determines levels of heat and cold. A compass is also part of the ACDP which helps in navigation. Overall, it measures the velocity of water currents. It also measures the direction and speed of ocean currents.
A tide gauge on the other hand has sensors which record the height of water levels. It also has a computer oriented device that records the measurements obtained by the sensors. However the modern gauges are integrated to the satellite to allow for estimation of a greater picture of the ocean. Overall, tide gauges are used in fishing and shipping industries which are affected by both high and low tides.
What happens to the information collected from the gauges?
The data that is collected and stored in the gauges is of interest to scientists who have their concern in the measurement of weather trends and patterns of the globe. Therefore, this information in the gauges is integrated to scientific computers where it is obtained and interpreted. The information is further used to predict weather patterns concerning tides and tidal streams. This information affects both the sea and land. It is thus important that both the sea and land users be aware of the trends which in some instances result to natural hazards. In the worst case scenario, this can result to natural disasters. To evade this, the information collected in gauges should be spread in a transparent and accountable manner.