Topics in leadership and management in education

Topics in leadership and management in education

The following are the proposed three topics on leadership and management in education. the topics have been accompanied with a summary of major areas to be covered in the main paper.

The role of head teacher/senior managers and the management of new curriculum initiatives

This topic will critically evaluate the role of head teacher/ senior managers in initiating, supporting and evaluating new curriculum initiatives. It will further exploit, strategies for school performance improvement and basic leadership initiatives that encompass senior managers, teachers and students in promoting assessment for learning, self-assessment, learning theories and success criteria. 

Key issues in restructuring education programs

This topic will exploit the complexity of restructuring processes and the challenges faced in education. It will deal with issues involving

developing a vision that unites projects

identifying outcomes that need to be assessed and addressed

school obtaining active support from the community

Redefining the role of the principles from power and ego wilders to facilitators and project leaders

Changing of the basic school practices to meet the need of students at-risk.

Transformational leadership

This topic examines transformation leadership which puts focus on the importance of teamwork and detailed school improvement as an alternative to other modes of leadership. The topic will exploit the differences between transformational leadership and instructional leadership which encompass hierarchies and supervision which excludes development of teachers and transactional leadership which is based on exchange of services for particular rewards. It will clearly address leadership qualities demonstrated in the above there modes of leadership namely transformational, instructional, and transactional and their relationship to student and school improvement.

Embracing creative leadership in schools

A corporate leader who encourages continuous learning and embraces change in schools helps to define the schools culture that is flexible and modern. Rather than fearing condemnation for suggesting different directions, students and their families in this kind of environment will feel free to express ideas and opinions, leading to higher performance.