Training and Development at Holiday Inn

Training and Development at Holiday Inn






The importance of training and development in the Hospitality Industry and Holliday Inn to be precise is a vital tool towards the companies or organization success.” Due to the changes in the economy around the world such the economic crisis that hit the world in 2007. The study shows that training and development is an important step towards hotel industry success. With respect to the case organization (Holiday Inn), it had a well-defined training and development program. The participants started that these programs offer a competitive advantage to the hotel.

Table of Contents

TOC o “1-3” h z u HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628878” Introduction PAGEREF _Toc416628878 h 3

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628879” 1.1 Background of Study PAGEREF _Toc416628879 h 3

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628880” 1.2 Purpose of Research PAGEREF _Toc416628880 h 5

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628881” 1.3 Objectives of the study PAGEREF _Toc416628881 h 5

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628882” 1.4 Structure of the Dissertation PAGEREF _Toc416628882 h 6

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628883” 2. Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc416628883 h 7

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628884” 2.1 Defining Training PAGEREF _Toc416628884 h 8

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628885” 2.2 Training cycle PAGEREF _Toc416628885 h 8

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628886” 2.3 Employee training in Hotel Industry PAGEREF _Toc416628886 h 9

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628887” 2.4 Importance of Employee Training PAGEREF _Toc416628887 h 10

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628888” 2.5 Benefits of staff training for individual and teams PAGEREF _Toc416628888 h 11

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628889” 2.6 Benefits of training for organizations PAGEREF _Toc416628889 h 11

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628890” 2.7 Benefits for the employee PAGEREF _Toc416628890 h 12

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628891” 2.8 Training Methods PAGEREF _Toc416628891 h 13

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628892” 2.8.1 Lecture Method PAGEREF _Toc416628892 h 13

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628893” 2.8.2 Computer based training PAGEREF _Toc416628893 h 14

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628894” 2.8.3 Games and Simulation PAGEREF _Toc416628894 h 14

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628895” 3. Research Methodology PAGEREF _Toc416628895 h 16

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628896” 3.1 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc416628896 h 16

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628897” 3.2 Introducing the Case Hotel & Company PAGEREF _Toc416628897 h 16

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628898” 3.3 Research Methods Employed PAGEREF _Toc416628898 h 17

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628899” 3.4 Data collection PAGEREF _Toc416628899 h 17

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628900” Results and Analysis PAGEREF _Toc416628900 h 18

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628901” 4.1 Profile of the respondents PAGEREF _Toc416628901 h 18

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628902” 4.2 Educational Cadres PAGEREF _Toc416628902 h 18

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628903” 4.3 Attending training programme PAGEREF _Toc416628903 h 19

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628904” 4.4 Evaluation the content of training programme PAGEREF _Toc416628904 h 20

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628905” 4.5 The Reasons for Training Programs PAGEREF _Toc416628905 h 21

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628906” Research Findings PAGEREF _Toc416628906 h 22

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628907” Conclusion and recommendation PAGEREF _Toc416628907 h 23

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628908” 6.1 Research limitations and solutions PAGEREF _Toc416628908 h 23

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628909” 6.2 Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc416628909 h 23

HYPERLINK l “_Toc416628910” Reference PAGEREF _Toc416628910 h 24

IntroductionAn important role of Human Resources Management is training and developing employees which according to Wick, Pollock & Jefferson (2010) is describe “as a need to equip operative level staff with team working and interpersonal skills to develop their service orientation and managers with a new leadership styles which encourages a move to a more facilitative and coaching star of management. Moreover, Yang (2010) affirm that “tourism market development is flexible and a very competitive and changing environment. The role of training and development is seen as being imperative in order to comply with the individual and organizational standpoint regarding the training needs and training objectives in a more globalization world”. Therefore, a very basic definition of training can be described as “the process which is planned to facilitate learning so that people can become more active in carrying out aspects of their work” (Warner & Goodall, 2009). On the other hand, development “is an activity that cannot be evaluated” (Wilson, 2014). Nowadays training and development is affecting not only the organizations that seems to be performing excellently but also those that are not non-performing. It defines training and development as critical for personal and professional life. 1.1 Background of StudyThe most important elements that hit my mind is “The importance of training and development in the Hospitality Industry and Holliday Inn to be precise.” Due to the changes in the economy around the world such the economic crisis that hit the world in 2007 (Wilson, 2014), there has been need to change the way that HR department amid various hotel industries has been treating their staff. The need to improve the reliability and accessibility of employees as well as their skills are on the forefront for a higher employees’ retention and customer satisfaction. Therefore, for this to be attained, there is a high need for proper training and development amid the employees (Thang & Quang, 2007). Training is one of the best and most appropriate ways of increasing the efficiency and productivity of employees, as well as other individuals in the hospitality industry especially at Holliday Inn. In addition, training and development is also important for meeting organizational objectives and goals. Although it is noted that training is an important component in the hotel industry, there exist a large number of untrained personnel recruited in various hospitality organizations. The world is changing day and night, therefore, in order to meet the pace of the change, we have to use the abilities of the employees (Salas, Tannenbaum, Kraiger & Smith-Jentsch, 2012). With proper training people who work in Human Resource management will be able to understand the implications of globalization, technology, and workforce diversity. Because when one of the above aspects is not considered in the change process, there is high chance that the Human Resource will eventually be obsolete hence low production and high loss will be expected in the industry. Therefore, it is vital for the Human Resource Management Team of various hotel organizations or that of the entire hospitality industry to ensure they take control of their employee by amplifying training and development. Based on the above information, I thought it was vital to undertake this study in order to explain the process, the importance and the implementation of Training and Development at Holliday Inn Hotel.

1.2 Purpose of Research

The purpose for the present project is to define and emphasize the role of training and development which may have different perspectives. Both have the same distribution being interconnected in a process that plays a paramount role in avoiding concerning presumptions or patterns regarding quantity and quality of the services reflected in travel and tourism industry. Moreover, as many jobs in travel and tourism industry have a seasonal status, how willing employers can be in investing in training and development elements is an issue. Furthermore in the last decades the emerging of Modern apprenticeship in travel and tourism business tend to offer great benefits for both individual and organizations. As the industry focus on young people who are looking for a great development experience (Saks, Haccoun & Belcourt, 2010).Likewise an imperative aspect is focussing on the evolution of training and development stages, the types of approaches organizations needs to develop in order to improve the training styles and how motivation can play a determinant role in employee’s life. For continuing professional development, many organizations are looking to emphasize adaptability and flexibility in order to survive in the competitive environment (Rooney, 2010).1.3 Objectives of the studyTo determine the most reasonable training system for the case hotel

To evaluate the most possible solutions or recommendations for the problems noted at Holiday Inn Training and Development Program. The research will determine the training framework of Holliday Inn. A reliable recommendations for the most effective and reliable training approach will be offered where is suitable. The entire aim of the research is to substantiate the most effective and efficient training programs. Employee training and the significance of employee training is important in any HR management in the hotel and the entire hospitality Industry. At the same time, research will be directed on employee training in the case hotel (Holiday Inn). The research also includes the judgement of employee training in the hotel from staff in different levels. Suggestions and comments about employee training, as well as the attitudes of the employee towards training, will also be noted in the research. All the above are there to be explored in the research in a bigger dimension; main aim of the study.

1.4 Structure of the DissertationThe dissertation is structured in six main sections. The first section will denote the instruction. It offers the audience thoughts about the dissertation, objectives of the dissertation, the aims and the background of the study. The second chapter is literature review; this chapter will focus on the aspects of training such as the benefits of development, training cycle, training techniques and all other aspects of training. The third chapter is offering for information about the case hotel (Holiday Inn), it explains the research methodology used in the study. The fourth chapter will exhibit the empirical part; presentation of analysis and results will be noted in this section. The fifth chapter is all about research findings. The final chapter and the sixth will denote the recommendations and the conclusion.

2. Literature ReviewThe entire section is just a highlight of the literature review. The fact is that the review should offer a basis of the formulation on the significance of training and development in the hotel industry and Human Resource management in the industry (Rooney, 2010). Training is considered as the narrow goal that denotes the right way to undertake something. This sees training as a learning process that involves concepts and skills to enhance training effectiveness. It is also suggested that training and development is a driven process as well as the aim of developing and identifying abilities and talents that are important. We survey and determine the areas as well as the interest for training purposes at Holiday Inn (McGrath, 2012). Training also allows the underlying goals that must be achieved for a better service delivery. Training is a modification of behaviour via the learning process that takes place a result of education and development experience. In addition, training is a planned process to modify the skills behaviour and knowledge via learning experience to attain a better performance range. Its purpose is to ensure that all the employee are working towards meeting the current demands of the hospitality industry (Marshall, Alderman, Wong & Thwaites, 2012). With the change in technology amid other elements of HR, there is high need of training and development in the hospitality industry.Regarding literature on training and development the research project will focus on different already discussed topics (Laursen, 2010). According to CIPD (2005), there is a variety of different training and development methods like on-the-job training and distance learning which may be available to use and apply according to individual and organizational training needs. Laursen (2010) analyse and identify the training needs such as the impact of motivational aspect, individual training needs, and the learning process. Kozlowski & Salas (2009) are focusing on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) – the core concept of CPD and CPD self-assessments methods. Jian (2010)- “Using People Skills for Training and Development” is an evaluation of how an organization may benefit from interpersonal skills such as communication skills and behaviour.

2.1 Defining TrainingTraining is part of HR management, among other HR activity like compensation and selection process. The role of Human Resource Management department of an organization is to improve the reliability and efficiency of staff knowledge and skills that will create an increased job performance in the industry. So as to implement a better training technique, the training team should be aware of the cons and pros and the reliability of each training technique or method (Jian, 2010). Evaluation and determination of the models of training should also be considered in the creation of a good training program. Training is the process that offers employees with the skills and knowledge required within the systems set by management.

2.2 Training cycleThe training cycle that most Human Resource Management uses in the hotel industry is as below:First Phase: Documentation of the Training Wants and Needs This first stage of the training cycle that identifies the training needs. When the needs are noted, it is at this stage that the audience that needs training are also identified. The stage also determines the extent of the training program. And evaluation of the impacts of the training programs is noted in this stage. This stage helps those that seek training to identify the reasons for training and the expected outcomes.Second Phase: Designing of Training Solutions to the problemsThis stage is concerned with planning, development and design process of the training programs (Hayes, Rose-Quirie & Allinson, 2011). The stage is developed in a way to ensure that training is organized in a systematic and consistent manner. The training covers both faces to face learning as well as e-learning.Third Phase: Provision of Training Solutions At this point in training makes sure that the training takes the right direction to the people that need it (Beier & Kanfer, 2010).It gives the leaners a chance to comprehend and learn. This includes choosing in the most appropriate manner to manage the training programs. It also helps the employees to take advantage of the training techniques available.

2.3 Employee training in Hotel IndustryIt is noted that the quality of employee depends on the quality of the employees. The source of quality comes from the skills, knowledge and ideas that lead to training. Training is important is many ways that can increase performance and productivity while the staff is armed with professional skills and knowledge valid thoughts and experienced skills (Beier & Kanfer, 2010). Employee training also motivates employee by offering an employee with all the needed information that drives their career as well as help them to recognize their career paths.

2.4 Importance of Employee TrainingThe current challenges and changes that take place in the working environment has contributed to the competitive nature of businesses. In addition, it has also prepared organizations to compete effectively as well as prepare for future obstacles. Due to these changes such as technological changes caused by globalization (Beier & Kanfer, 2010). The current workforce calls for advanced training so that it could keep with the existing trend; it calls for better skills that are helpful to the employees. The demand for international competition in the hotel industry offers quality customer service training. This is one of the ways to respond to the increasing customer needs and demands. In addition, for these organizations to keep with the increasing competition, it has been recommended that role training should be streamlined towards organization objectivity and success (Andersen, L, Andersen, Zebis & Aagaard, 2010). Likewise, companies in the hotel industry provide training to employees for better output. In addition, they are trained to better their performance by upgrading changes in methods in their career.Employee training is an important to the organizational success and a main function of HR. It is an important part of increasing performance and productivity as well as motivating employees in the hotel industry. Employee training is a key task in helping employees in an organization to be unified (Andersen, L, Andersen, Zebis & Aagaard, 2010). When organizations offer training needs and facilities by providing and forming harmony and detailed work specification, as well as work passion. In a border perspective, training helps keep up with skills, knowledge and team spirit that we do not have at the moment (Beier & Kanfer, 2010).

2.5 Advantages of employees training and development for teams as well as individuals.

Training is a key factor in HR management. The main welfares of training for individuals and team in organizations are as follows: Training assists in the increase of knowledge and skills among employee in the productivity and performance of career objectives. A trained employee is self-motivated hence able to undertake his/her role with care and confidence (Beier & Kanfer, 2010). When an employee is well-trained, limited supervision is required. Trained employee will be able to save time and knows how to use equipment. Thus, training helps in economic operations. Training helps employees a number of ways. Employee can garner the skills and knowledge needed for them hence provide a feeling of confidence (Hayes, Rose-Quirie & Allinson, 2011). The availability of important skills builds their value to their employers hence increasing their earning power. Employees who have undertaken the needed skills and training a prone to be promoted when chances appear. Training also increases the knowledge and skills as well as talent in the staff. In conclusion, it is vital to note that the value that come from training is more inclined to self-benefit of the employees as compared to that of the organization (Jian, 2010).

2.6 Benefits of training for organizationsLess than 10% of all the training programs are evaluated based on their financial benefits to the organization there are implemented. The image changes amid the companies that are dedicated to their training programs and process. Generally, many organizations have been noted by ASTD for their use of technology and innovation training programs measure at all levels in training. Training and development offer organizations various benefits such as increase in productivity, customer satisfaction, and employee’s job satisfaction. After training and development, employee are offered with the needed skills and knowledge needed for them. They are able to share the learned skills and knowledge to the customers via better customer services. Nevertheless, this literature will be reviewed in the following areas: benefits associated with the performance of the organizations as well as other benefits (Kozlowski & Salas, 2009).

2.7 Benefits for the employeeBenefits that employees recognize and increase their job satisfaction is a very important factor in Human Resource Management. When training takes place, the employee are shown how work takes place, how to handle the work and the kind of roles they ought to play in the workplace to increase its productivity. This makes them understand they work better as well as to undertake their work in the best way possible for their success in their careers (Marshall, Alderman, Wong & Thwaites, 2012). After systemizing the training process, the employee will be able to know the important parts of their jobs roles and the information, skills and knowledge needed in their Jobs. The employee will career knowledge and skills. They can get the chance to increase their career opportunities and increase the possibility of promotions in the meantime. Training is important as it helps an employee to become a good person to handle conflicts (McGrath, 2012). Practical experience can be guided and taught in training: employee can learn the techniques needed to solve conflicts that may happen in the organization. Therefore, training is beneficial to employees are started above. The benefits are endless but for the case of this research the above have been noted (Rooney, 2010).

2.8 Training MethodsThere are various methods that could be used in training. These methods are developed to ensure that training programs meet the needed standards and pedigree (Saks, Haccoun & Belcourt, 2010). For the case of this research lecture method, game, and simulation and computer-based training will be discussed.

2.8.1 Lecture MethodThis method of training is to create a generalized understanding of a certain topic. This topical understanding could be there to define the interests of the organizations towards the analysis of the knowledge and the skills of the employee on board. The most common form of lecture method is an oral presentation (Saks, Haccoun & Belcourt, 2010). The using lecture method, large amounts of the information needed in making decisions for the organization, is offered in short-term as compared to other types of training techniques or methods. A key concern about the lecture technique is that there is no allowance of time given in between the lecture thus it does not allow the employee trainees to ask questions. When the trainees are actively presented with information using lecture method. It vital to ensure the quality and equality of information is shared by all the training participants so that the trainee should be able to learn what they are taught (Salas, Tannenbaum, Kraiger & Smith-Jentsch, 2012).

2.8.2 Computer based trainingThis is a type of training that takes place with the use of computers. Most organizations in the world especially hospitality and hotel industry have replaced classroom training with computer based training (Salas, Tannenbaum, Kraiger & Smith-Jentsch, 2012). The significance of computer based training is that if controls the sharing of content all over the internet is various ways. The methods of presentation of content is also diverse and that the movement of training is sequentially structured. On the other hand, companies or firms such as Holliday Inn have known the use of E-learning offers effective method of information or knowledge dissemination (Thang & Quang, 2007). It is important to note that computer-based learning is the most affordable training method that is used in today’s organizations. However, the delivery of the content using computer-based training is limited to a number of people; not all employee are in access of computers to share content and other learning information (Warner & Goodall, 2009).

2.8.3 Simulation Training

Training simulations and games are designed so that they can be able to simulate the process and events of training and development that takes place in the training Employee and Job. Its sets the area where training can take place and develop the attitude and skills needed or discover the ideas and concepts that will improve the performance of hospitality organization. Most organizations also develop games to support and introduce significant concepts (Warner & Goodall, 2009). In most cases, these games include team participation so that the team members can work in co-ordination and one tea spirit for the success of the organization especially a hospitality industry. In addition, it helps the organizations to make important decisions as well as formulate a vital course of action that create opportunity and resolve problems for the organization (Warner & Goodall, 2009).

3. Research Methodology3.1 IntroductionThe purpose of this section is to explain the research design and the specific methods used in the research. The sampling procedure and the response rate will also be highlighted in this section. The ways in which the research was conducted is also noted in the chapter. As explained the reason for undertaking this research is to access the training and development in Holiday Inn. With respect to this objective, I opted to undertake a survey with the help of questionnaires. This means that quantitative method was the main research design used in the study. The criteria behind using this research design was based on the advantages of the research design as compared to the others.

3.2 Introducing the Case Hotel & CompanyThe hotel offers a relaxed and rejuvenated environment. It has a 24 hrs business centre with high speed internet access. The hotel also has a work desk in each room. The first chain of the hotel was founded in 1953. These hotel were started in Tennessee and Memphis by Wilson Kemmons. The founder wanted to offer cost effective accommodation for people in the United States. The location was perfect with the road to and from most states of the US was close to the hotel. The name of the hotel was provided by architect Eddie Bluestein. The name was a result of a reference to a movie (Bing Crosby) (Warner & Goodall, 2009). The chain of Holiday Inn expanded in 1957 to over fifty Inns in located in the United States. By 1968, the 1000th in was opened in San Antonio.

Holiday Inn boasts in its air-conditioned rooms, meeting rooms, pools radio and piped music and restaurants. The selection of the hotel amid others was based on the fact that is a well-known hotel with various chains around the world. In addition, the company has various training programs to be referenced towards its success in the hospitality industry. Among other reasons for its selection is that the hotel offers considerable challenge to the hotel industry. In 2002 the hotel faced problems with its HR management (Thang & Quang, 2007). Most of the employees left the company to other competing firms. This was a result of poor training programs adopted by the company.

3.3 Research Methods EmployedResearch methods refer to the techniques in which data is collected and analysed. The research involves the collection of both secondary and primary data. The primary data comprised of questionnaires and interviews while the secondary data was collected from books, journals, as well as hotel’s data. In addition, the secondary data comprised of published information, and this helped in comprehending various concepts and definition about methods of training. The ways of evaluating the training programs were also analysed from secondary data (Thang & Quang, 2007).

3.4 Data collectionThe employee of Holliday Inn were the ones involved the study. Questionnaires were shared by me in the different departments within the organization. Before the distribution process, the departments were notified about the undertakings. First, I had an appointment with the hotel’s manager and supervisors to seek for permission to perform the exercise. Most of the questionnaires were distributed by my friends and the rest were via the head chef and the managers. The same was collected from various departments of the Hotel, more than 100 employees were used in the study. Out of the 100, 70 of the employees were sampled. Among them, I only got 50 respondents, this meant that 71% of the questionnaires were received for analysis.

4. Results and AnalysisThe first part of the questionnaire is related to background and demographic data of the respondents and the second part was designed to show the effectiveness and efficiency of the training programs held in Holliday Inn

4.1 Profile of the respondentsThe respondents were divided into various groups, sex, the years of experience that they have served and the educational background. Purpose of training cause and the training courses was also noted in the study.

Pie chart-1: Labour force allocation

The pie chart shows the percentage of the respondents. 30 male and 20 female. The percentage was 60% male and 40% female. This shows that more percentage of male employees are represented in the job and Holiday Inn as compared to female employees.

4.2 Educational Cadres

The second question was to know the level of education of the employees in Holiday Inn. With this the comparison between level of education and the level of training will be identified. From the below chart, it is clear that 5% of the respondents had doctorate degree, 40% had completed high school, 15% were diploma graduates, 20% were undergraduates and another 20% were of the employees had post-graduate education.

Pie chart -2: Education Level

4.3 Attending training programmeFrom the clustered cylinders below, it is clear that different employees are involved in different training programs. It also shows that Kitchen Staff attend to training more as compared to other staffs. The percentage of Kitchen staff who attended training is 50%. First aid training attendance was 30% and recycling training program was only 20% represented in the training. The reason most employee took part in first aid training is because kitchen maintenance is a risk affair. It also shows that reliable training before work lead to better attitudes among the employees. Ultimately, customers received better service as a result of well-trained employees.

4.4 Evaluation training program

Evaluation of Training Program Content Chart

The employees that took part in the training were evaluated to determine the effectiveness of the training programs. From the above chart 50% of the employees were satisfied with the training programs offered, 15% were very satisfied. However, this indicates that only 40% of the employees who participated in the study were satisfied in the training offered. 20% were not satisfied and 20% of them stated that they were satisfactory enough. However, the training stills calls for improvement for better results or output.

4.5 The Reasons for Training ProgramsPie chart 6: The Reasons for Training Programs

From the above pie chart, it is clear that the reasons for undertaking the training programs in the organizations is very clear. 60% of the respondents gave a positive response, 15% said that the training programs were not clear enough and 25% gave a negative response. According to the last group, there are just wasting their time.

5. Research FindingsExcel software program was used in the analysis. All the data were calculated on percentage basis of 100% of the respondents. As for Holiday Inn, the management was very concerned about training and development. Most of the training is done by the department managers. They are responsible for training the employees because they know the training needs and demands. From the analysis of the results, Kitchen department took part in first aid and recycling training programs to reduce the risk associated with their roles in the department. On the other hand, food and housekeeping department employees took part in recycling training course. This two groups of employees attended the course in higher percentage. They started that the training was important to them as it helped them solve workplace problems (Thang & Quang, 2007).