Variables into a Regression Equation and Summary of Recent Research

Variables into a Regression Equation and Summary of Recent Research

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Pinto, R. M., Wall, M., Yu, G., Penido, C. & Schmidt, C. (2012). Primary Care and Public Health Services Integration in Brazil’s Unified Health System. American Journal of Public Health, 102(11), 69-76

Summary of the Study

Pinto et al. (2012) examined the extent to which public health and primary cares services, evidence-based practice and trans-disciplinary collaboration is integrated in the Family Health Strategy in Brazil. The objective of the study is to identify practices that foster evidence-based practice and service integration. Pinto et al. (2012) collected primary data for the research from 262 respondents (physicians, nurses and health workers). Pinto et al. (2012) applied the structural equation modeling to the primary data, with regard to the research objective. The predictors for evidence-based practice and service integration were previous research experience, consultation with colleagues, familiarity with colleagues and endorsement of team meetings. The findings derived form the study indicated that team meetings and familiarity with community positively influenced service integration and engagement in the evidence-based practice. Service providers with more experience reported more engagement and integration. Community health workers reported more integration than physicians. In addition, black service providers reported less integration than other service providers. After accounting for all variables, Pinto et al. (2012) found moderate correlation between service integration and evidence-based practice engagement. Pinto et al. (2012) concluded that familiarity with community, trans-disciplinary collaboration and race and age of the service providers are significant factors that should be incorporated in the process of designing and implementing provider training.

The Null and Alternative Hypotheses

The following are the null and alternative hypotheses for the study that is based on the purpose and objectives of the research;

Null hypothesis (H0): The healthcare practices that foster research experience, consultation with colleagues, familiarity with colleagues and endorsement of team meetings facilitate service integration and evidence-based practice engagement.

Alternative hypothesis (H1): The healthcare practices that foster research experience, consultation with colleagues, familiarity with colleagues and endorsement of team meetings do not facilitate service integration and evidence-based practice engagement.